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{This is one of two babies that our amazing nurses have been looking after over the past 10 days.|The two adorable babies have been cared for by our wonderful nurses over the last 10 days.|Our amazing nurses have taken care of two babies over the last ten days.} {The kittens were found in a skip […]

{This is one of two babies that our amazing nurses have been looking after over the past 10 days.|The two adorable babies have been cared for by our wonderful nurses over the last 10 days.|Our amazing nurses have taken care of two babies over the last ten days.} {The kittens were found in a skip on an industrial estate.|The kittens were discovered in a skip at an industrial estate.|The kittens found in an industrial estate were found in a waste bin.} {The lady who brought them in thinks they were born there as there are lots of cats in the area, and that mummy cat must have been scared away when the skip lorry came as she didn’t return.|The woman who found them believes they were born in the skip because there are many cats in that area. She also thinks the mummy cat was scared off when the skip truck came, as she did not return.|The lady who brought the kittens in believes that they were probably born in the skip, because there are so many cats around. And the mummy kitty must have fled when the skip lorry arrived as she never returned.} {Sadly, one of the three kittens didn’t make it, but the boy and the girl that did are now thriving.|Unfortunately, one kitten didn’t survive, but both the boy and girl who did are doing well.|One of the kittens did not survive but the two that survived are doing very well.} {Our RVNs have been feeding them every three hours and were especially excited that the little boy opened his eyes this week!|The RVNs were thrilled that the boy had opened his eyes in this past week.|Our RVNs feed them every three-hours and are especially happy that the little boy has opened his eye this week.} {A big shout out in particular to our RVNs Paige, Cody, Rachael and Charlotte who have been taking the kittens home and doing the middle of the night feeds.|Our RVNs Paige Cody Rachael Charlotte have taken the kittens to their homes and done the mid-night feeds.|We would like to thank our RVNs Paige Cody Rachael Charlotte for taking the kittens and feeding them in the middle of night.} {Here is our work experience student Jasmine helping with feeding time in practice!|Jasmine, our work-experience student, is helping out with feeding in the practice.|Jasmine is our student on work experience helping to feed the kittens in practice.}

{The kittens have now been passed on to the RSPCA.|The kittens were now passed to the RSPCA.|The kittens are now with the RSPCA.} {We wish them a life full of love and happiness after such a rocky start.|After such a rough start, we wish them love and happiness.|We wish the kittens a happy and loving life after such a difficult start.}

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