{This is stunning Great Dane Cooper who was in for a couple of procedures last week.|Here is Cooper, a stunning Great Dane who had a few procedures performed last week.|Cooper the Great Dane was treated for two procedures last week.} {He is so big he takes up the whole of our prep room table!|He’s so large he fills our entire prep table!|He is so huge he occupies the entire table in our prep room!} {Cooper is just 7 months old and weighs an impressive 63kg.|Cooper, who is only 7 months old, weighs a staggering 63kg.|Cooper is 7 months and weighs a whopping 63kg.} {Some of you may remember him from one of our March posts as a two month old pup having a cuddle with Sam.|You may remember Cooper from our March post as a two-month old puppy cuddling with Sam.|Many of you will remember him as a pup of two months old cuddling Sam in one of our posts from March.} {He was a mere 18kg then!|The pup weighed only 18kg!|He weighed just 18kg back then!} {Cooper, how you have grown!|Cooper, you’ve grown so much!|Cooper, what a growth!}
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