Therapy Dogs Contribute In Human Physical And Mental Health

Chewy fgxirxr2ozg unsplash | therapy dogs contribute in human physical and mental health | therapy dogs play a significant role in improving the physical and mental health of humans. | wellcare world | science

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The Healing Power of Therapy Dogs: Enhancing Physical and Mental

Therapy dogs can positively impact human physical and mental . Therapy dogs, also known as comfort dogs, provide emotional support to individuals who may benefit from their calming presence, such as patients in hospitals, individuals with mental health conditions, and children with special needs.

Studies have shown that interaction with therapy dogs can lower stress and anxiety levels, reduce symptoms of depression, and improve physical symptoms such as lower blood pressure.

However, keep in mind that therapy dogs are not a substitute for professional medical treatment, and people should always consult with a healthcare provider for any medical concerns.

How Therapy Dogs are Helpful?

Reducing stress and anxiety: Interacting with therapy dogs has been shown to lower cortisol levels (a hormone associated with stress) and increase oxytocin levels (a hormone associated with feelings of happiness and calmness).

Improving mood:

Therapy dogs can provide comfort and emotional support, helping to reduce feelings of depression and loneliness.

Alleviating physical symptoms:

Studies have shown that interaction with therapy dogs can lower blood pressure, relieve , and improve cardiovascular health.

Enhancing social skills and communication:

Therapy dogs can provide a non-threatening and supportive environment for individuals with social anxiety or communication difficulties, helping to improve their social skills and confidence.

Encouraging physical activity:

 Therapy dogs can motivate individuals to engage in physical activity, such as taking walks or playing games.

It’s important to note that therapy dogs should be properly trained and certified, and their presence should be coordinated with healthcare providers to ensure the safety and well-being of both the patient and the therapy dog.

Study and Proof

An example of how therapy dogs contribute to human physical and mental health is in a hospital setting. A therapy dog might visit patients who are recovering from surgery or dealing with a chronic illness. The presence of the therapy dog can help reduce stress and anxiety levels in these patients, improve their mood, and provide comfort and emotional support. This, in turn, can lead to physical benefits such as lower blood pressure, reduced pain levels, and improved cardiovascular health.

For example, a study conducted at a children’s hospital found that when therapy dogs were brought in to visit children undergoing cancer treatment, the children reported lower levels of anxiety, less pain, and improved mood compared to when they did not interact with the therapy dogs.

These benefits demonstrate how therapy dogs can make a significant positive impact on physical and mental health, especially in challenging and stressful situations such as hospital stays.

How to get Therapy Dog?

Here are a few tips on selecting the therapy dog for you:

  • Determine if a therapy dog is right for you and your lifestyle.
  • Choose a breed that is well-suited for therapy work and has a temperament that fits your needs.
  • Obtain a dog that is healthy and has a calm demeanor.
  • Get the dog trained and certified as a therapy dog.
  • This usually involves completing a training program and passing a test.
  • Find therapy organizations in your area that use therapy dogs and express your interest in volunteering.

Will Therapy Dog be Worth It?

Whether or not getting a therapy dog is worth it depends on several factors, including your personal situation and the role you hope the dog will play in your life. Here are a few benefits of therapy dogs:

Emotional support:

Therapy dogs can provide emotional comfort and support to those who are struggling with mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD.

Physical health benefits:

Spending time with a therapy dog has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce stress levels, and boost overall mood.

Improved social skills:

Therapy dogs can help children and adults with social anxiety develop more comfortable and confident social skills.

Increased activity level: Owning a therapy dog can encourage you to be more active and physically engaged, which can improve overall health.

Therapy Dogs are Not Guide Dogs

No, therapy dogs are not typically trained as guide dogs to assist individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Guide dogs are specifically trained to help people navigate their environment, including crossing streets, avoiding obstacles, and locating specific destinations.

Therapy dogs, on the other hand, are trained to provide comfort, emotional support, and companionship to individuals in various settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and disaster relief sites. While therapy dogs may be used to assist individuals with mobility or physical disabilities, their primary role is not to guide or lead individuals, but to provide emotional support and comfort.

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The First Flare Observation Using a Solar Microwave Spectrometer that Works in 35-40 GHz

Spectrome | the first flare observation using a solar microwave spectrometer that works in 35-40 ghz | scientists have achieved a major breakthrough in solar astronomy by observing the first-ever solar flare using a new high-frequency solar microwave spectrometer operating at 35-40 ghz. This groundbreaking instrument provides valuable insights into energetic electrons, magnetic fields, and energy release processes during solar flares. | wellcare world | science

Fig 1. The CBS dynamic spectra (a) and the CBS and NoRP flux densities (b-c) obtained from 03:52 UT to 03:58 UT. Taken from Yan et al. 2023.

Insightful Information in Microwave Spectra of Solar Flares

Microwave emission of solar flares can be excited by energetic electrons through the gyro synchrotron (GS) . Thus, the microwave spectra contain valuable/unique information not only about energetic electrons accelerated during solar flares, but also about the underlying magnetic field and energy release process.

he microwave spectra of solar flares reach their maximum intensity (peak) at frequencies below or around 10 GHz. At this frequency range, there is a transition in the spectral slope from positive to negative.

The “optically thick regime” refers to a condition where the plasma in the flaring region is dense enough to cause significant absorption of the microwave radiation. In this regime, the spectral slope of the microwave emission is positive, meaning that the intensity increases with increasing frequency.

On the other hand, the “optically thin regime” refers to a condition where the plasma density is lower, resulting in less absorption of the microwave radiation. In this regime, the spectral slope becomes negative, indicating that the intensity decreases with increasing frequency.

Overall, this line highlights that the microwave spectra of solar flares provide valuable information about the plasma density, the underlying magnetic field, and the energy release processes occurring during the flares.

Limitations in Previous Flare Studies and Data Gap in Millimeter Wavelength Observations

Earlier studies were limited to flares with a turnover frequency being less than 9.4 GHz or 17 GHz. This is to ensure two data points are available in the optically thin regime, mainly with the measurements of the Nobeyama Radiopolarimeter (NoRP). Yet, the turnover frequency can go beyond 20 GHz around the peak time of large flares, and microwave spectra with unusual shapes, such as flat or rising continuously above tens of GHz, have been reported, while the present solar microwave spectrometers mainly provide dynamic spectrum below ~ 20 GHz. Above that, data exist only at few discrete frequencies. This means there exists significant data gap of flare observations in the millimeter wavelength.

First Flare Observation by Chashan Broadband Solar Millimeter Spectrometer (CBSmm) at High Frequencies

The newly-built Chashan Broadband Solar millimeter spectrometer (CBSmm, CBS for short) started its routine observation since 2020, working from 35 to 40 GHz (Shang et al. 2022). It is operated by the Institute of Space Sciences of Shandong University. The X2.2 flare on 2022 April 20 was observed by both NoRP and CBS (see Fig. 1). This provides the first flare observation of CBS since its routine operation. The CBS data are first calibrated with the new moon observations, and then cross-calibrated with the simultaneous NoRP data at 35 GHz. The flare is of special interest due to its strong millimeter emission and the high turnover frequency (>20 GHz) of the spectra during the impulsive stage. Such kind of events has not been well studied due to the large data gap beyond ~ 20 GHz.

Three distinct local intensity peaks exist during the impulsive stage of this flare (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The middle peak is the strongest one, with the largest flux density reaching ~9300 SFU at 35-40 GHz. The gyrosynchrotron turnover frequency (nt) is above 35-40 GHz for this major peak, according to the positive spectral indices of the CBS data there. The turnover frequency (nt) is larger than 20 GHz for most of the other two peaks. We found the turnover intensity (It) correlates well with the turnover frequency (nt) according to the power-law relation (with an index ~ 4.8) during the impulsive stage with nt < 35 GHz. During the decay stage, both the CBS spectral index and the fitted optically-thin spectral index present a gradual hardening trend.

S 1 | the first flare observation using a solar microwave spectrometer that works in 35-40 ghz | scientists have achieved a major breakthrough in solar astronomy by observing the first-ever solar flare using a new high-frequency solar microwave spectrometer operating at 35-40 ghz. This groundbreaking instrument provides valuable insights into energetic electrons, magnetic fields, and energy release processes during solar flares. | wellcare world | science

Fig 2. Spectra obtained by fitting the combined NoRP and CBS data at selected moments of T1 – T13 (see Fig 1.). The asterisks and squares represent the NoRP and CBS data, respectively. The spectral parameters, including the optically-thick and -thin indices atk and atn, and the turnover frequency nt are given in each panel. The filled circles denote the location of vt. Taken from Yan et al. 2023.

This study demonstrates the spectral turnover frequency and other fitting parameters can be better constrained with the CBS data covering the range of 35 ~ 40 GHz. This is true for the spectra with the turnover frequency < 35 GHz. During the second peak of the impulsive stage with a higher turnover frequency, valuable information can still be inferred according to the unique CBS data though the exact turnover frequency cannot be determined. Such data (covering 35-40 GHz) are available for the first time in the millimeter observations of solar radio bursts. Data with a broader spectral coverage are still demanded to better understand flares with a high turnover frequency. In the near future, we plan to upgrade the CBS to cover 26 – 40 GHz, so to better constrain the nonthermal microwave spectra of solar flares.

Based on a recently published article: Fabao Yan, Zhao Wu, Ziqian Shang, Bing Wang, Lei Zhang, and Yao Chen, The First Flare Observation with a New Solar Working in 35-40 GHz, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 942:L11 (2023), DOI:


Shang, Z., Xu, K., Liu, Y., et al. 2022, ApJS, 258, 25

*Full list of authors: Fabao Yan, Zhao Wu, Ziqian Shang, Bing Wang, Lei Zhang, and Yao Chen

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The Physics of Terahertz

The Physics of Terahertz

(THz) waves, also known as T-rays, are a type of electromagnetic that have a frequency range between 0.1 and 10 THz. has been studied for many years, and research has shown that these waves have unique properties that make them useful for many applications. In this article, we will explore the of terahertz waves and their potential applications in different fields.

The Physics of Terahertz Waves

Terahertz waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation that consist of electric and magnetic fields that oscillate perpendicular to each other and to the direction of wave propagation. They have a relatively long wavelength (ranging from 30 micrometers to 3 millimeters), and they lie between the infrared and microwave regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The physics of terahertz waves is based on the fundamental principles of electromagnetism. These waves are produced by accelerating charged particles or by transitions between energy states in atoms or molecules. The frequency of terahertz waves is related to the energy difference between these energy states.

One important characteristic of terahertz waves is their ability to interact with matter in unique ways. Unlike higher-energy radiation, such as X-rays or gamma rays, terahertz waves are not ionizing, which means they do not break apart molecules or cause damage to living tissues. Instead, they can penetrate many materials, such as plastics, paper, and textiles, while being absorbed by others, such as water, metals, and semiconductors.

The absorption and transmission of terahertz waves depend on the material’s chemical composition and structure, as well as the properties of the wave itself. The amplitude of terahertz waves can also be modulated, which makes them useful for communication applications.

The Applications of Terahertz Technology

Terahertz technology has numerous potential applications in different fields due to its unique properties. Some of the most promising applications of terahertz technology are discussed below.

Imaging and Sensing

One of the most promising applications of terahertz technology is in imaging and sensing. Terahertz waves can penetrate many materials, making them useful for non-destructive testing and imaging applications. They can also be used to detect chemical and biological agents, as well as to identify and characterize the composition and structure of materials.

In medicine, terahertz waves can be used to detect and diagnose cancer and other diseases. They can also be used to monitor the water content of skin, which is useful in cosmetic and dermatological applications.

In addition, terahertz waves can be used to detect concealed weapons and explosives, making them useful for security applications.


Another area of application for terahertz technology is in material science. Terahertz waves can be used to study the properties of materials, such as the electrical and thermal conductivity, the dielectric constant, and the refractive index. They can also be used to study the molecular dynamics of materials, which is important in fields such as condensed matter physics, chemistry, and materials science.

Terahertz technology has the potential to revolutionize the field of material science by providing new tools for studying and manipulating the properties of materials.


Terahertz waves can also be used for communication applications. They have the potential to provide high-bandwidth wireless communication that is faster than existing wireless technologies. Terahertz waves can also be used for short-range communication applications, such as wireless connections between devices in a room or in a building.

However, there are some challenges to using terahertz waves for communication. Terahertz waves have a shorter range than other wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. In addition, they are easily absorbed by water vapor, which can limit their usefulness in outdoor environments.

Despite these challenges, researchers are exploring new ways to use terahertz waves for communication applications. For example, they are investigating the use of metasurfaces and other materials that can manipulate the properties of terahertz waves to improve their range and performance.


The physics of terahertz waves is a fascinating area of research that has many potential applications in different fields, including imaging, sensing, material science, and communication. Terahertz waves have unique properties that make them useful for non-destructive testing and imaging applications, as well as for studying the properties of materials and molecules. They also have the potential to provide high-bandwidth wireless communication that is faster than existing wireless technologies.

While there are still challenges to using terahertz technology in some applications, researchers are making progress in developing new materials and techniques that can overcome these challenges. With continued research and development, terahertz technology has the potential to revolutionize many different fields and improve our understanding of the world around us.



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