387 Vets is Dog Friendly accredited

387 Vets is Dog Friendly accredited

Dfc 0 | 387 vets is dog friendly accredited | we are super excited to announce that 387 veterinary centre is now an accredited dog friendly clinic! The scheme, run by the dogs trust and british veterinary behaviour association, was set up to help vet practices better care for the emotional and behavioural needs of dogs on vet visits. It encourages practices to work on minimising canine stress and maximising canine wellbeing, not just in the waiting room but also in consults rooms and other clinical areas. | wellcare world | anxiety

We are super excited to announce that 387 Veterinary Centre is now an accredited Friendly Clinic! The scheme, run by The Trust and British Veterinary Behaviour Association, was set up to help vet practices better for the emotional and behavioural needs of dogs on vet visits. It encourages practices to work on minimising canine stress and maximising canine wellbeing, not just in the waiting room but also in consults rooms and other clinical areas.

Our team have carried out lots of training around recognition and management of canine stress and . And we’ve introduced lots of new initiatives in practice too. These include mats your canine can rest on in the waiting room; towels you can borrow if your dog has been caught in a downpour on the way in; a canine retail area full of carefully selected toys and accessories for behavioural and emotional enrichment; dog water bowls set at a variety of heights; lots of treats jars; and the use of Lickimats® in consultations to reduce canine anxiety and reinforce positive experience. Check out these gorgeous pups are loving the Lickimat® experience!

Lm 1 989x1024 1 | 387 vets is dog friendly accredited | we are super excited to announce that 387 veterinary centre is now an accredited dog friendly clinic! The scheme, run by the dogs trust and british veterinary behaviour association, was set up to help vet practices better care for the emotional and behavioural needs of dogs on vet visits. It encourages practices to work on minimising canine stress and maximising canine wellbeing, not just in the waiting room but also in consults rooms and other clinical areas. | wellcare world | anxiety
Lm 2 | 387 vets is dog friendly accredited | we are super excited to announce that 387 veterinary centre is now an accredited dog friendly clinic! The scheme, run by the dogs trust and british veterinary behaviour association, was set up to help vet practices better care for the emotional and behavioural needs of dogs on vet visits. It encourages practices to work on minimising canine stress and maximising canine wellbeing, not just in the waiting room but also in consults rooms and other clinical areas. | wellcare world | anxiety
Lm 3 | 387 vets is dog friendly accredited | we are super excited to announce that 387 veterinary centre is now an accredited dog friendly clinic! The scheme, run by the dogs trust and british veterinary behaviour association, was set up to help vet practices better care for the emotional and behavioural needs of dogs on vet visits. It encourages practices to work on minimising canine stress and maximising canine wellbeing, not just in the waiting room but also in consults rooms and other clinical areas. | wellcare world | anxiety

There are lots of things owners can do too to help make vet visits successful, from bringing puppies in to socialisation and habituation appointments, to avoiding your dog having too many sensory experiences on the way to a vet appointment which can make them over-excited or feel overwhelmed. Ask us for a copy of our handout ‘Reducing canine stress on visits to the vets’ when you are next in!

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387 Vets

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Exercise and Mental Health: A Guide

Exercise and physical activity has long been recognized as key contributors to physical , but their effects on are just as important. Exercise plays a role in managing stress and improving mood. Read on to learn how physical exercise can benefit your mental health and

How Exercise Affects the Brain: The Science Behind the Connection

Exercise is known to have a range of physical health benefits, but did you know that it can also have significant effects on your mental health?

Studies have shown that regular exercise can reduce stress and , improve your mood, and even lead to improved cognitive functioning. So, how does exercise improve mental health?

The science behind the connection is complex and still being studied, but there are some key factors that help explain the effects.

The release of hormones such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine is key to understanding the relationship between exercise and mental health. Endorphins, often referred to as the “feel-good” hormone, are released during physical exercise and help to relieve stress, reduce pain, and give a sense of euphoria. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating many cognitive processes, including sleep and mood. Regular exercise can help increase the production of serotonin in the brain, leading to improved mood and better sleep quality. Lastly, dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with reward-seeking behavior; exercise has been shown to increase dopamine levels in the brain, giving us a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment.

These hormones play a critical role in how exercise helps mental health; by releasing endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine during exercise, we experience a range of positive mental health benefits that extend past the duration of the workout. Exercise can also increase oxygen flow to the brain, leading to improved concentration and cognitive functioning. Additionally, it helps to reduce stress hormones like cortisol which can lead to decreased stress levels and improved mental well-being.

The answer to “does exercise improve mental health?”, is a resounding yes. Not only can moderate exercise help to improve our mood and reduce stress levels, but it can also lead to increased cognitive functioning and improved overall mental health. Incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine is an easy way to promote your mental well-being.

Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health

Physical activity has long been suggested for physical health and . However, exercise is also important for an individual’s mental health. It can help to improve overall well-being and reduce symptoms of , anxiety, and stress. Exercise also has the potential to improve mood, self-esteem, sleep, and concentration. But how does exercise improve mental health? 

Physical activity helps to boost endorphins, the hormones that make us feel good. When it comes to mental health, exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Physical activity can reduce cortisol levels, which in turn helps to decrease stress. Exercise can also be a form of distraction from troubling thoughts or stressful situations, allowing us to refocus our energy on something positive. Additionally, exercise can be an outlet for frustration or anger that may otherwise manifest itself in negative ways. Incorporating physical activity into daily life is a great way to start building healthier habits that can benefit us long-term. 

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Types of Exercises for Mental Wellness

From running to weightlifting, stretching to yoga, there are a variety of activities that can help improve your mood and reduce stress levels.

  • Cardiovascular activities: cardiovascular exercises, such as running or biking, can help you burn off stress and anxiety, as well as boost endorphin levels. 
  • Strength training: Strength training, such as lifting weights, cluster sets, drop sets, or doing bodyweight exercises, can help increase serotonin levels and reduce symptoms of depression.
  • Yoga and meditation: Yoga is a great way to reduce stress levels and practice , while stretching can help improve circulation and ease muscle tension. 

No matter what kind of exercise you choose, it’s important to find something that works for you. Regular exercise can help you manage stress levels and feel better mentally, so find an activity that you enjoy and make it part of your daily routine.

Incorporating Exercise into Daily Life

Physical activity and moderate exercise are important parts of a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce stress, increase endorphins, and promote relaxation. Exercise can also help combat symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve overall mood, and enhance cognitive functioning. 

When it comes to incorporating exercise into daily life, the most important thing to keep in mind is that any physical activity is better than nothing. This can be as simple as going for a short walk or jog, playing with your dog in the park, or taking a yoga class. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day, but even 10-15 minutes of exercise can have positive effects.

Exercise and Social Connection: How Physical Activity Fosters Positive Relationships

Exercise is not only beneficial for physical health, but it can also have a tremendous impact on mental health. As stated early, research has shown that regular physical activity has a positive effect on cognitive function, mood, and mental well-being…but it can also foster social connections and interactions.

Physical activity provides an opportunity for people to socialize with peers and form meaningful relationships. When we are socially connected to other people, our sense of self-worth increases, which can help alleviate depression and anxiety. Working out with a partner or community also gives us something to look forward to, fitness accountability, and the support and encouragement of friends or family can be very beneficial in keeping us motivated.

Being active with friends or family can also provide a distraction from worrying thoughts and bring us into the present moment. It helps us break out of negative thought patterns and encourages .

Furthermore, exercise encourages collaboration and competition, which can be beneficial for mental health. Working together with a team to reach a goal gives us a sense of purpose and accomplishment, while competing against others helps to develop a healthy sense of self-confidence.

In summary, moderate physical activity does more than just improve physical health; it is an effective way to create social connections and improve mental health. Exercise boosts self-confidence, releases endorphins, provides a distraction from negative thoughts, and encourages collaboration and competition. Regular physical activity can make a significant difference in how we feel, both mentally and physically.

Exercise with Chuze 

Making physical activity a priority will benefit not only your physical and mental health but also your overall well-being. Whether you’re just starting out as a way to improve mental wellness or looking to take your workout to the next level, Chuze fitness has something for everyone. We offer a variety of IChuze classes and activities designed to help you get the most out of your workout. Whether you’re looking to build strength and endurance, de-stress after a long day, or just have fun while getting fit, our fitness classes are designed to keep you motivated and give you the tools you need to reach your fitness goals. Find a gym near you and experience the benefits of exercise for yourself!

Ani2 | exercise and mental health: a guide | maintaining good mental health is essential for overall well-being, and exercise can play a significant role in promoting mental wellness. The connection between exercise and mental health has been widely recognized, with numerous studies highlighting the positive impact of physical activity on psychological well-being. | wellcare world | anxietyReviewed By:

Ani is the Vice President of Fitness at Chuze Fitness and oversees the group fitness and team training departments. She’s had a 25+ year career in club management, personal training, group exercise and instructor training. Ani lives with her husband and son in San Diego, CA and loves hot yoga, snowboarding and all things wellness.


  1. Health. “Exercise and Mental Health.” Vic.gov.au, 2017, www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/exercise-and-mental-health.
  2. Preiato, Daniel. “Exercise and the Brain: The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 31 Jan. 2022, www.healthline.com/health/depression/exercise#The-bottom-line.
  3. Sharma, Ashish. “Exercise for Mental Health.” The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders, vol. 8, no. 2, Apr. 2006, https://doi.org/10.4088/pcc.v08n0208a 
  4. “Evidence Synthesized: Exercise Promotes Mental Health.” Today, 2023, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evidence-based-living/202302/evidence-synthesized-exercise-promotes-mental-health#:~:text=Researchers%20combined%20thousands%20of%20studies,yielded%20greater%20improvements%20in%20symptoms.

The post Exercise and Mental Health: A Guide appeared first on Chuze Fitness.

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Wellcare World specializes in providing the latest advancements in wellness technology, supplementation, and lifestyle changes that improve health and increase the quality of people's lives. To learn more, visit WellcareWorld.com and begin living a better life today.

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Depression and the Terahertz Wave of Relief

Depression and the Terahertz Wave of Relief

is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. According to the World Organization (), depression is one of the leading causes of disability globally. While there are various treatments available for depression, such as medications and psychotherapy, there is currently no cure for the condition. is a relatively new field of research that involves the use of electromagnetic radiation with frequencies in the range to treat various medical conditions, including skin disorders, cancer, and pain. There is some preliminary research that suggests that terahertz radiation may have therapeutic effects on the brain, such as improving cognitive function and reducing inflammation. This has led some researchers to investigate the potential of terahertz technology in treating depression.

What is Terahertz Technology?

Terahertz (THz) radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that falls between the infrared and microwave regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, with frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 10 THz. Terahertz radiation is non-ionizing and is considered safe for use in medical applications. Terahertz technology is a rapidly advancing field that has the potential to revolutionize various areas of medicine, including imaging, sensing, and therapy. Terahertz radiation has unique properties that make it ideal for use in medical applications. For example, terahertz radiation can penetrate through materials that are opaque to visible light, such as skin and clothing, making it useful for imaging and sensing applications. Additionally, terahertz radiation can be used to selectively target specific tissues or cells, making it useful for therapeutic applications.

The Potential of Terahertz Technology in Treating Depression

Depression is a complex mental health condition that can have a range of causes, including factors, brain chemistry imbalances, environmental factors, and life events. While there are various treatments available for depression, there is currently no cure for the condition. There is limited scientific evidence to suggest that terahertz technology can be used to treat depression. However, there is some preliminary research that suggests that terahertz radiation may have therapeutic effects on the brain, such as improving cognitive function and reducing inflammation. In one study, researchers investigated the effects of terahertz radiation on mice with depression-like behaviors. The researchers found that exposure to terahertz radiation improved the mice’s cognitive function and reduced their depressive-like behaviors. Additionally, the researchers found that terahertz radiation reduced inflammation in the mice’s brains, which is thought to play a role in depression. While these findings are promising, more research is needed to determine whether terahertz technology can be an effective treatment for depression in humans. Additionally, it is important to note that terahertz technology is still in the early stages of development and has not yet been widely used in clinical applications.

The Benefits of Terahertz Technology

Despite the limited evidence supporting the use of terahertz technology in treating depression, there are several potential benefits of terahertz technology that make it an attractive area of research. First, terahertz radiation is non-ionizing, which means that it does not have the potential to cause cell damage or mutations, making it safer than other forms of radiation therapy. Second, terahertz radiation can penetrate through materials that are opaque to visible light, such as skin and clothing. This makes it useful for medical imaging and sensing applications, such as detecting tumors or monitoring blood glucose levels. Third, terahertz radiation can be used to selectively target specific tissues or cells. This makes it useful for therapeutic applications, such as targeting cancer cells or reducing inflammation in the brain. Fourth, terahertz technology is a rapidly advancing field, and new developments are continually being made. This means that there is a lot of potential for terahertz technology to be used in a range of medical applications in the future.

The Challenges of Terahertz Technology

While terahertz technology has many potential benefits, there are also several challenges that must be addressed before it can be widely used in clinical applications. One of the main challenges of terahertz technology is the difficulty of generating and detecting terahertz radiation. Terahertz radiation is difficult to generate because it requires specialized equipment and techniques. Additionally, terahertz radiation is difficult to detect because it is absorbed by many materials, including air, which makes it difficult to measure. Another challenge of terahertz technology is the potential for tissue heating. While terahertz radiation is non-ionizing and is considered safe for use in medical applications, it can still cause tissue heating if the radiation is absorbed by the tissue. This can be a concern, particularly for therapeutic applications that require high levels of radiation. Finally, there is currently limited scientific evidence to support the use of terahertz technology in medical applications. While there are promising preliminary studies, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of terahertz technology in treating various medical conditions.

The Future of Terahertz Technology in Medicine

Despite the challenges of terahertz technology, many researchers believe that it has enormous potential in various areas of medicine. Terahertz technology has unique properties that make it useful for a range of applications, including medical imaging, sensing, and therapy. In the future, terahertz technology may be used to develop new imaging techniques that can detect early-stage diseases and monitor disease progression. Additionally, terahertz technology may be used to develop new therapies that can selectively target specific tissues or cells, reducing the risk of side effects. In the case of depression, terahertz technology may be used to develop new therapies that can target specific regions of the brain and improve cognitive function. However, more research is needed to determine whether terahertz therapy can be an effective treatment for depression.


Depression is a complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While there are various treatments available for depression, there is currently no cure for the condition. Terahertz therapy is a new field of research that involves the use of electromagnetic radiation with frequencies in the terahertz range to treat various medical conditions, including depression. While there is limited scientific evidence to suggest that terahertz therapy can be used to treat depression, there is some promising preliminary research that suggests that terahertz radiation may have therapeutic effects on the brain, such as improving cognitive function and reducing inflammation. However, more research is needed to determine whether terahertz therapy can be an effective treatment for depression in humans. Despite the challenges of terahertz technology, many researchers believe that it has enormous potential in various areas of medicine, including medical imaging, sensing, and therapy. In the future, terahertz technology may be used to develop new imaging techniques that can detect early-stage diseases and monitor disease progression. Additionally, terahertz technology may be used to develop new therapies that can selectively target specific tissues or cells, reducing the risk of side effects. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, it is important to seek help from a healthcare professional. They can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options based on your individual needs. While terahertz therapy is still in the early stages of development, it is an exciting area of research that has the potential to revolutionize various areas of medicine.
The Psychology of Terahertz

The Psychology of Terahertz

disorders affect millions of people worldwide, and the need for effective and safe treatments is crucial. Currently, the standard treatments for mental issues include medications, psychotherapy, and other interventions. However, the use of (THz) technology is being explored as a possible complementary approach in treating these conditions. This article will explore the potential role of THz technology in treating mental health issues, particularly in relation to brain inflammation.

The Basics of Terahertz Technology

THz waves are electromagnetic waves that fall between the microwave and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. THz waves have the unique property of being able to penetrate materials that are typically opaque to visible light. This property has made THz waves useful in a variety of fields, including spectroscopy, imaging, and communication. In recent years, THz waves have also been explored for their potential use in medicine. Research has shown that THz waves can penetrate biological tissues, making them a promising tool for non-invasive medical imaging and diagnosis. Additionally, THz waves have been shown to interact with biomolecules, including proteins and nucleic acids, indicating their potential use in therapeutic applications.

The Role of Inflammation in Mental Health Issues

Inflammation is a natural immune response to infection or injury, and it is essential for healing. However, chronic inflammation can lead to tissue damage and has been linked to a variety of physical and mental health conditions. Recent research has shown that chronic inflammation may also play a role in the development of mental health disorders such as , , and schizophrenia. Inflammation in the brain, also known as neuroinflammation, is thought to contribute to the development and progression of mental health disorders. Neuroinflammation can occur due to various factors, including infection, injury, and chronic stress. This inflammation can lead to the production of cytokines, which are proteins that promote inflammation and can have detrimental effects on brain function.

The Potential Role of Terahertz Technology in Treating Inflammation-Related Mental Health Issues

THz waves have been shown to interact with biomolecules, including proteins and nucleic acids, suggesting their potential use in therapeutic applications. Recent research has explored the potential of THz waves in treating inflammation-related mental health issues. One study conducted in rats showed that THz waves can reduce inflammation in the brain by decreasing the production of cytokines. The study found that exposure to THz waves reduced the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and increased the levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines in the brain, suggesting that THz waves may have a beneficial effect on neuroinflammation. Another study conducted in mice showed that THz waves can improve cognitive function in mice with neuroinflammation. The study found that exposure to THz waves improved the spatial learning and memory of mice with neuroinflammation, suggesting that THz waves may have a positive effect on brain function. While these studies are promising, it is important to note that they are still in the early stages of research. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings and to explore the potential of THz waves in treating inflammation-related mental health issues in humans.

The Limitations of Terahertz Technology in Mental Health Treatment

While THz waves show promise as a possible therapeutic tool in treating mental health disorders, there are limitations to their use. One limitation is the lack of understanding of the mechanism by which THz waves affect brain function. The interaction between THz waves and biomolecules in the brain is poorly understood, making it difficult to develop targeted therapeutic approaches. Another limitation is the potential for adverse effects. While THz waves have been shown to be safe in short-term studies, their long-term effects on the brain and other organs are still unknown. Additionally, the effects of THz waves may vary depending on the frequency, intensity, and duration of exposure. There is also a lack of standardized protocols for the use of THz waves in medical applications. Without standardized protocols, it is difficult to compare results between studies and to determine the optimal parameters for therapeutic use.

The Importance of Seeking Professional Help for Mental Health Issues

It is important to note that THz technology is not currently accepted as a standard therapy for mental health disorders. While the potential for THz waves to be used as a therapeutic tool in the future is promising, individuals with mental health issues should always seek the opinion of a trained healthcare provider. Mental health disorders are complex and can have multiple causes, including , environmental, and social factors. Treatment for mental health disorders often requires a multidisciplinary approach, which may include medication, psychotherapy, and other interventions. If you are struggling with a mental health disorder, it is important to seek professional help. Mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and licensed therapists, can provide a thorough assessment and develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your individual needs.


In conclusion, THz technology shows promise as a possible therapeutic tool in treating mental health disorders, particularly those related to inflammation in the brain. However, further research is needed to confirm these findings and to develop targeted therapeutic approaches. It is important to note that THz technology is not currently accepted as a standard therapy for mental health disorders. Individuals with mental health issues should always seek the opinion of a trained healthcare provider and follow their recommended treatment plan. The development of safe and effective treatments for mental health disorders is crucial, and the potential of THz technology in this area is an exciting area of research. With continued research and collaboration between experts in various fields, THz technology may one day be a valuable addition to the arsenal of tools available for treating mental health issues.


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