Time, Space, Choices, and an Online Chat about Purr

The Interplay of , , , and Online Chats about

Time, space, choices, and an about purr encompass a diverse range of intriguing subjects. Time, as a concept, captivates us with its enigmatic nature and the various ways it shapes our lives. Exploring the vast expanse of space unveils celestial wonders, from distant galaxies to the mysteries of black holes. Choices hold immense power, influencing our personal growth and shaping our destinies. Meanwhile, engaging in an online chat about purr brings together cat enthusiasts, fostering connections and sharing the joys of feline companionship virtually. These topics invite contemplation, wonder, and the exploration of both inner and outer worlds.

How my book Purr: The Science of Making Your Cat Happy can help shelter cats.

Zazie todd's tortoiseshell cat melina at the top of a cat tree with purr behind
Zazie Todd’s cat Melina was adopted from the BC SPCA. She’s pictured in front of the book she helped inspire, and in which she features. Photo: Zazie Todd.

By Zazie Todd PhD

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Time, space and choices: Article about Purr

There is a wonderful article about my book, Purr, in the current issue of BARKS from the Guild.

It’s called Time, Space and Choices: Improving Welfare for Shelter Cats with Dr. Zazie Todd’s Purr.

It is all about how the tips in Purr: The Science of Making Your Cat Happy can help cats in shelter and rescue, as well as once they move to their new home. As you might guess from the title, giving the cat time to settle in, setting up their space right, and giving them choices (including letting them make the choice to hide) are all important.

Online chat about Purr and shelter cats

I will also be chatting about Purr and shelter cats at the PPG’s online Shelter and Rescue Divisional Meetup on Tuesday March 28th at 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern.

This event is free for all members of The Pet Professional Guild. If you’re a cat guardian, membership of the PPG is free. For pet professionals, the PPG is committed to force-free methods only and a membership is very worthwhile.

I hope to see you on Tuesday!

Zazie Todd, PhD, is the award-winning author of Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy and Purr: The Science of Making Your Cat Happy. She is the creator of the popular blog, Companion Animal Psychology, and also has a column at Psychology Today. Todd lives in Maple Ridge, BC, with her husband, one dog, and two cats.
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