World Mental Health Day 2024

World Mental Health Day 2024

Mhf wmhd24 ig 1800x1800 v02 1024x1024 1 | world mental health day 2024 | today is world mental health day. To highlight the importance of workplace wellbeing, the theme set by the world federation for mental health for 2024 is workplace mental health. | wellcare world | family

Today is World Day. To highlight the importance of workplace wellbeing, the theme set by the World Federation for Mental for 2024 is Workplace Mental Health.

Work can be incredibly beneficial for our health, giving us purpose, challenge, a sense of achievement and, for many of us, the opportunity to connect with others. Sometimes, however, work can cause us negative stress or make us anxious, and can be a trigger for deteriorating mental health.

Mental health in the workplace is a hot topic within the veterinary industry given the emotional working in practice can bring. Sadly, in the UK, vets are 3-4 times more likely to commit than the general population.

At 387 Vets, we place a strong emphasis on workplace wellbeing and looking after our workplace . All team are invested in our culture and live by our collectively agreed . We champion people’s professional passions, celebrate strengths and nurture and new learning. We appreciate how much a sense of community amongst team counts. We have regular catch ups, lots of forums for discussion and our monthly long coffee breaks give team a chance stop, get together and chew the cud. We have wellbeing action plans in place and if we notice someone is struggling we have strategies to . Next year we’re planning to work through the ‘We Invest in Wellbeing’ framework, a new accreditation introduced by Investors in People, to continue to invest in positive workplace review and change.

The charity Mind have a great bank of online resources to support everyday living and workplace wellbeing.

And in the words of the old adage, a problem shared is a problem halved.

Wishing you all a happy World Mental Health Day. Please take the opportunity to be kind to yourselves.

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387 Vets

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Wellcare World specializes in providing the latest advancements in wellness technology, supplementation, and lifestyle changes that improve health and increase the quality of people's lives. To learn more, visit and begin living a better life today.

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On his travels!

Harri | on his travels! | we’re most used to seeing dogs and cats for microchipping, now that all cats in england should be microchipped before 20 weeks old with their owner’s details registered, as well as dogs over 8 weeks of age. So harri was more of an unusual microchip request for us! The 28 year old tortoise is emigrating abroad with his owners and his two cat pals. We loved seeing you in practice and wish you all the best on your travels harri. We hope you and your family love your new home! | wellcare world | family

We’re most used to seeing and cats for microchipping, now that all cats in England should be microchipped before 20 weeks old with their owner’s details registered, as well as dogs over 8 weeks of age. So Harri was more of an unusual microchip request for us! The 28 year old tortoise is emigrating abroad with his owners and his two pals. We loved seeing you in practice and wish you all the best on your travels Harri. We hope you and your your new home!

Offered by our Wellcare World friend at

387 Vets

Trending Also -> Physiotherapy Terahertz Technology TeraMD

Wellcare World specializes in providing the latest advancements in wellness technology, supplementation, and lifestyle changes that improve health and increase the quality of people's lives. To learn more, visit and begin living a better life today.

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So Many Kinds of Moms to Love!

So Many Kinds of Moms to Love!

Exploring the Diverse Types of Mothers to Celebrate and

In honor of Mother’s Day and all the amazing animal moms, foster moms, adoptive moms, and our own human moms, we thought we’d share a couple of love notes from some of their “babies”. Enjoy!


Hi! I’m Colby. My brothers and sisters and I are called the Cheese Tray kittens and we have two moms to celebrate for our first Mother’s Day!

Raising five kittens is a lot of work! Luckily, our mom, Mimolette, has the best helper! It’s our foster Mom, Allee.

Allee has been there from the moment we were born, making sure we had snuggles, Mom got to sleep, and we had social time to learn how to be purrfect kittens.

Allee has taught us all sorts of things from, the arts (Don’t break her pottery!) to how to be friends with Annabelle and her 9 chicks.

We can’t wait to see what Allee will teach us next while we’re waiting to to be big enough to find a of our own!

Thank you Mommy Mimolette and Mommy Allee! We love you!

Gouda, Cheddar, Havarti, Muenster, and me, Colby!

Colby 2
Colby 3


Hi! I’m Cookie! At 4 1/2 months I’ve had 3 moms, so far!

My Mama Coco was alone, outside in freezing weather, and very pregnant with me and my brothers and sisters. Our foster mom, Chelsea, found her just in time for 13 of us to be born on Christmas night.

14 in one house is a handful for anyone. Especially if 13 of us are puppies! Chelsea asked DPA for help and they said, “Yes!”

Now that we’re bigger, some of us have already found new families. (Mama’s going to live with Chelsea forever. YAY!)

I have the best new foster mom, Zeal, who gives the wonderful-est cuddles and totally knows how a girl likes to dress!

Thanks to our moms Coco, Chelsea, and (my) Zeal, we are all excited to take on the world with our new families.

Thanks Moms from all of us! We love you soooo much!

Chloe, Chewy, Cherry, Dottie, Lillet, Hailey, Pokey, Zeus, Selena, Bruno, MC Puppy, CJ, and me, Cookie

Cookie 2
Cookie 3

Moms, We are grateful for all the love & care you give and we send wishes for an absolutely perfect Mother’s Day!

Leslie signature
Leslie Sans
Founder & Executive Director
Dallas Pets Alive!

Champions club

P.S. Every day, sick, injured and homeless pets are rescued by Dallas Pets Alive! They come in all breeds, sizes and colors. But one thing they all have in common is not only do they need good moms, but they need a Champion, like YOU, in their corner.

When you sign up to make monthly donations you are a Champion for every DPA animal as they move through our program.

If you aren’t already, please become a Champion, today!

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Offered by our Wellcare World friend at

Dallas Pets Alive

Trending Also -> Physiotherapy Terahertz Technology TeraMD

Wellcare World specializes in providing the latest advancements in wellness technology, supplementation, and lifestyle changes that improve health and increase the quality of people's lives. To learn more, visit and begin living a better life today.

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