Why You Should Add Sweet Potatoes To Your Diet

Why You Should Add Sweet Potatoes To Your Diet

is an important part of your life. Having a healthy diet constitutes a healthy life. belong to a starchy family which is enriched in nutrients.

“Fuel your body with the goodness of sweet potatoes, packed with essential nutrients and for optimal and vitality.”

They contain all the supplements important for your overall fitness. If you are an athlete, adding sweet potatoes to your diet is the best choice.

1. What are Sweet Potatoes?

Sweet potatoes are root vegetables great for your diet. It is abundantly found in the tropical regions of America. They are from the root vegetable family called the morning glory. In appearance, they are similar to regular potatoes but vary in shape and color.

There are many types of sweet potatoes. Some have white-colored flesh while others have yellow, red, and even purple mellow. The root vegetables belonging to the glory family are extremely rich in nutrients. They have a starchy and sweet taste. When boiled, they become soft and stringy.

2. Nutrients and Vitamins in Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in nutrients. These nutrients consist of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin A:

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A. One medium-sized sweet potato provides more than 400% vitamin A as compared to other sources. Vitamin A is great for vision, immunity, and skin health.

Vitamin C:

Sweet potatoes are also a good source of vitamin C. It provides greater immunity and a lower risk of injury.


Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium, an important mineral that helps regulate blood pressure and fluid balance in the body. It minimizes the risk of strokes.


Sweet potatoes are a good source of dietary fiber, which can help regulate digestion, prevent constipation, and lower cholesterol levels.


Sweet potatoes are a good source of manganese, a mineral that supports bone health and helps the body metabolize carbohydrates and proteins. It forms connective tissues in your body.

B Vitamins:

B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins that convert food into energy. They help your body metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into glucose.


Calcium is great for bone health and the transmission of nerve impulses. It plays a key role in contraction, relaxation, and teeth health.


Iron is a key component of hemoglobin. It helps to create adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and maintains a healthy immune system.


It helps to regulate the calcium levels in the bones. It relieves anxiety and depression.


It works with calcium to create a mineral complex that forms the structure of bones. It is involved in protein synthesis and is an essential component of DNA and RNA.


It is also called vitamin B1. It is necessary for cardiovascular health and brain functioning.


It activates white blood cells for wound healing. It repairs damaged tissues and is important for reproductive health in both men and women.

Other Nutrients:

Sweet potatoes also contain small amounts of other nutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.

Nutrients and Vitamins in Sweet Potatoes

3. Sweet Potatoes Vs. Regular Potatoes

Sweet potatoes and regular potatoes both are starchy vegetables but they differ in their nutritional content and health benefits. Sweet potatoes have a greater nutritional value due to the presence of beta carotene and vitamin A.

Sweet potatoes are higher in beta carotene which is a precursor to vitamin A and is important for eyes and better immunity. Regular potatoes, on the other hand, are higher in potassium, which is necessary for regulating blood pressure and heart health. Sweet potatoes have a greater quantity of antioxidants as compared to regular potatoes.

3.1. Nutritional Value – Sweet & Regular Potatoes

Nutrients Regular Potato Sweet Potato
Carbs 37 g 24 g
Sugar 3 g 7 g
Calories 159 103
Fiber 4 g 4 g
Protein 4 g 2 g
Fat 0.3 g 0.2 g


Vitamins Regular Potato Sweet Potato
A 17 UI 21,900 IU
C 22 mg 22 mg
B6 0.4 mg 0.3 mg


Minerals Regular Potato Sweet Potato
Potassium 941 mg 542 mg
Magnesium 47 mg 31 mg
Iron 1 mg 0.8 mg
Calcium 17 mg 43 mg
Manganese 0.3 mg 0.6 mg

4. Reasons to Add Sweet Potatoes to Your Diet

Sweet potatoes are famous because of their benefits. Not only do they help you build and strengthen muscles but also benefit you on so many levels. They help you build excellent cognitive skills and are also great for your overall body health.

Reasons to Add Sweet Potatoes to Your Diet

4.1. Low Glycemic Acid

Sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index (GI) than other starchy foods. It slowly releases sugar into the bloodstream and helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Mainly because sweet potatoes contain complex carbohydrates and fibers, which are digested and absorbed more slowly than simple carbohydrates.

The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels. This helps prevent hunger and overeating. Foods with a high GI are digested and absorbed quickly and cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels as compared to foods with a low GI. Sweet potatoes have a GI ranging from 44 to 94, depending upon the variety, cooking methods, and ripeness.

They are a good choice for people looking to manage their blood sugar levels, especially when consumed in moderation as a part of a balanced diet. If you suffer from diabetes, sweet potatoes are great for you.

4.2. Weight Management

Sweet potatoes are low in calories and high in nutrients, which means they are great for weight management. The calorie count in sweet potatoes is just 145 kcal per 100 grams. It means you can eat a lot of sweet potatoes without consuming too many calories.

They are packed with nutrients such as vitamins A, C and potassium. These nutrients help support a healthy metabolism and weight loss. The nutrient-to-calorie ratio in sweet potatoes is perfect. Antioxidants like zinc superoxide, sporamins, and catalase help you to build muscle mass. Sweet potatoes are great for you whether you aim for weight loss or weight gain.

4.3. Muscle Strength

Your muscles gain strength by consuming the right amount of nutrients. They replenish your energy levels and induce strength in your muscles and tendons. Vitamin C synthesizes collagen, a protein that provides structures to muscles. Collagen helps support muscle and repair.

Beta-carotene, on the other hand, helps support protein synthesis and cell differentiation.

4.4. Rich in Fiber

Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber because they contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract, which helps to lower cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, promotes regular bowel movements, and prevents constipation.

Sweet potatoes contain about 3 to 4 grams of fiber per 100 grams of raw sweet potato. Eating the scalp of the sweet potato can also increase the fiber content. Food rich in fiber works wonders for your weight loss.

4.5. Best Source of Complex Carbs

Sweet potatoes are one of the best sources of carbs for the human body. We all are aware of the benefits of carbs. They are our body’s number one source of energy. Carbs are the first ones to break down in the body and we acquire immediate energy from them.

On the other hand, sweet potatoes contain complex carbs. These carbs take time to break down and provide long hours of energy. One medium-sized sweet potato contains approximately 26 grams of carbohydrates, with about 4 grams coming from fiber and 5 grams coming from sugar.

4.6. Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular health is one of the perks of eating sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium which is an important mineral for maintaining healthy blood pressure. High blood pressure is a risk factor for the heart, and having enough potassium keeps blood pressure in check.

Greater amounts of potassium intake help you to excrete more sodium. The excretion of more sodium eventually leads to great heart health.

4.7. Support Immune System

Sweet potatoes support your immune system by increasing vitamins A and C in your body. They are a wonderful source of beta-carotene which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A maintains the health of skin and mucous membranes that act as a barrier against infections.

It activates the production of white blood cells that constitute your body’s natural defense system. Sweet potatoes are responsible for helping in the growth of healthy gut bacteria. A healthy gut microbiota is essential for a strong immune system function.

4.8. Abundant in Nutrients

Sweet potatoes are abundant in nutrients. The human body needs those nutrients to function properly. Whether you are an athlete or not, you constantly need nutrients for a healthy lifestyle. Sweet potatoes may seem less in nutrients but they are the best starchy vegetables when it comes to vitamins and minerals.

It provides 25% of the daily requirement of manganese, 20% of the daily value of copper, and 12% of the daily value of potassium. They help in enhancing muscle and bone health, regulating blood, sugar, and cholesterol levels, production of sex , and forming white blood cells for your natural defense.

4.9. No.1 Source of Antioxidants

Sweet potatoes are high in antioxidants such as beta carotene. Antioxidants help in neutralizing free radicals which are unstable molecules that cause inflammation. One cup of baked sweet potato provides enough beta-carotene for 2 days.

4.10. Reduces Inflammation

Sweet potatoes reduce inflammation in your body as they have properties. Chronic inflammation can weaken your immune system so consuming sweet potatoes strengthens your immune system.

Sweet potatoes contain anthocyanins and phenolic acid. These compounds reduce the stimulation of inflammatory cells. Reduced inflammation means fewer chances of cardiovascular diseases. The beta carotene present in sweet potatoes fights inflammation and keeps the immune system tip-top.

4.11. Efficient Brain Functioning

Potassium of sweet potatoes is responsible for efficient brain functioning. Lower levels of potassium often induce poor cognitive skills. A regulated blood sugar level prevents sudden spikes and crashes in energy levels and maintains healthy brain functioning.

The glucose converted from complex carbohydrates helps improve cognitive performance. The antioxidants protect your brain from oxidative stress. Especially in orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, carotenoids are present in larger amounts. These carotenoids prevent brain degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

4.12. Enhanced Vision

Vitamin A present in sweet potatoes enhances your vision. It helps you see better in dark by forming light-detecting receptors. Purple sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamin A.

5. Sweet Potatoes – Also Great for Your Skin

Despite all the advantages of sweet potatoes, they are also good for your skin. Your skin looks fresh and healthy. It promotes healthy skin tissue and prevents dryness and flakiness. Antioxidants safeguard your skin from radical damage. Sweet potatoes contain water which keeps your skin hydrated at all times.

Collagen helps in enhancing flexibility in your skin and gives it a smooth texture. Apart from skin, sweet potatoes are also known for their cancer-fighting properties. They contain anthocyanins which slow the growth of cancerous cells.

6. How can you Intake Sweet Potatoes?

Sweet potatoes can be taken in various forms. You can make sweet potato pancakes or sweet potato salad. You can boil them or eat them in the form of fries.

7. FAQs

7.1. Are Sweet Potatoes Great for Females?

Sweet potatoes are great for both men and women and especially for women’s reproductive systems.

7.2. Is it okay to Consume Raw Sweet Potatoes?

It is perfectly normal to eat raw sweet potatoes. They do not contain harmful enzymes in their raw state as regular potatoes contain.

7.3. Are there Any Side Effects of Sweet Potatoes?

Larger quantities of sweet potatoes can cause skin rashes and headaches. It is better to take a healthy amount.

7.4. What is the Best Way to Intake Sweet Potatoes?

The best way to intake sweet potatoes is by having them in soup or salads. You can also go for mashed sweet potatoes. Their calories and nutrients do not drop down by taking them into a boiled state.

8. Takeaways

Sweet potatoes belong to the morning glory family. They are rich in nutrients and vitamins that are extremely necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. They contain vitamins A, C, and B. Magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium are constituents of sweet potatoes.

Having a lower glycemic index, sweet potatoes keep the blood sugar level in check. They are responsible for your cardiovascular health and muscle strength. They improve your vision and cognitive skills.

“This article is originally posted on borntough.com, and borntough.com own the sole copyright on this article. If you read this article outside borntough.com, please report this website to the authority because they have stolen the content from borntough.com and violated borntough copyright”

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Active Folks Have Active Dogs, Says New Study

shutterstock 1230561682 e1683230918169 | Active Folks Have Active Dogs, Says New Study | A recent study has highlighted the correlation between active individuals and their active dogs, shedding light on the importance of exercise for both humans and their canine companions. | Wellcare World | health

Do you jog with your dog? New research from the University of Guelph has found that dog guardians who exercise regularly tend to ensure their canine companions also get . That in turn influences whether or not people believe their are a healthy weight.

New Study Shows Link Between Human-Dog Exercise Habits and Perception of Canine

Led by researchers in the university’s Department of Animal Biosciences within the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC), the study is believed to be the first large-scale international survey to demonstrate a relationship between the exercise routines of people and their dogs, as well as folks’ perceptions of their dogs’ health.

“Exercise is a powerful bond that connects humans and dogs, creating a partnership of health and happiness.” – Sydney Banton

According to lead author and PhD candidate, Sydney Banton, the study is important, given that 40% of dogs are overweight, and that many dog guardians are unaware of their four-legged friends’ unhealthy weights.

Along with animal biosciences professor and lead author, Dr. Kate Shoveller, as well as colleagues from OAC and the Ontario Veterinary College, Banton analyzed results from a survey of almost 3,300 dog guardians in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. They asked people about their own diets and exercise routines as well as their dogs’, along with their perceptions of their dogs’ weight.

  • Those who reported spending four or more days per week vigorously exercising were 2.8 to 3.5 times more likely to believe their dogs were at an ideal body weight than those who did not vigorously exercise. Respondents who reported their dogs regularly performed vigorous exercise (playing ball, swimming, agility) were 1.8 times more likely to believe their dogs were at an ideal weight.
  • Conversely, dogs that received less than 30 minutes of exercise per day had guardians who were much more likely to spend less time moderately exercising themselves.
  • About 13% of those surveyed thought their dogs’ weight was not ideal or had someone, such as a veterinarian, tell them their dogs were overweight. These people were also more likely to restrict their dogs’ food intake to control weight.

The results of this study, which appears in the journal PLOS ONE, highlight the need for more exercise to avoid weight gain in dogs.

The post Active Folks Have Active Dogs, Says New Study appeared first on Animal Wellness Magazine.

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How Much Muscle You Can Gain Naturally

Do you ever find yourself wondering how much you can truly gain without following a tough workout routine? It’s a question that plagues many fitness enthusiasts and athletes. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. There are a number of specific factors that dictate your natural potential for muscle growth. By unlocking the science behind muscle gain, we provide you with the mechanisms and information you need to estimate your maximum muscle-building potential. Knowing what’s possible for your body can help you set realistic goals and optimize your performance.

florian kurrasch HyivyCRdz14 unsplash scaled | How Much Muscle You Can Gain Naturally | The amount of muscle you can gain naturally depends on various factors. Genetics play a significant role in determining your muscle-building potential. On average, beginners can gain about 1-2 pounds of muscle per month during the initial stages of training. As you become more experienced, muscle growth slows down to about 0.5-1 pound per month. Consistency in training, proper nutrition, and adequate rest are crucial for optimal muscle development. Keep in mind that everyone's journey is unique, and individual results may vary. | Wellcare World | health

Your genetic makeup influences your potential for muscle .

Factors Affecting Natural Muscle Gain:

Genetics: Your genetic makeup influences your potential for muscle growth. Some individuals naturally have a higher capacity for building muscle compared to others.

Training Experience: Beginners typically experience faster muscle gains due to their bodies adapting to new stimuli. As you progress and become more experienced, muscle growth slows down.

: Adequate protein intake is essential for muscle synthesis. Consuming a balanced with sufficient calories and macronutrients supports muscle growth and recovery.

Resistance Training: Engaging in regular strength training exercises that target different muscle groups stimulates muscle growth. Progressive overload, gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts, can further enhance muscle development.

Rest and Recovery: Muscles grow and repair during periods of rest. Proper sleep, rest days, and managing stress are crucial for allowing your muscles to recover and grow.

Hormonal Factors: such as testosterone and growth hormone play a role in muscle growth. However, individual hormone levels can vary, affecting muscle-building potential.

So, let’s dive in and explore the exciting world of natural muscle building.

1. Factors Determine Your Naturally Muscle-Gaining Capacity

If you’re thinking about how much muscle you can realistically gain, it’s important to understand the factors that determine your muscle-gaining capacity. The two main categories of factors are genotype (unique sequence of DNA) and phenotype (detectable expression of genotype), and both play a key role in muscle mass development.

Unfortunately, we cannot alter our genotype, but we can control certain aspects of our environment that influence phenotype. These include during childhood, carbohydrate and protein intake, caloric intake, hydration, and hormonal influences.

Let’s dive deep to know how genetic factors, nutrition, and muscle fibers contribute to building up your muscle mass.

2. Role of Genetics in Gaining Muscle Mass

Genetics plays a significant role in determining how much muscle mass an individual can naturally gain. Some individuals are naturally gifted with the ability to pack on muscle quickly, while others may need to work harder to achieve their desired results. This is due to the genetic blueprint inherent in their DNA, which determines their upper limit for muscle mass attainability.

Let’s look at an example of how genetics contribute to muscle growth. For example, some people are “high responders” to resistance training, meaning they have higher levels of satellite cells (specialized muscle stem cells) that can help promote muscle growth. On the other hand, “low responders” may not have as many satellite cells and may not see as much muscle growth from .

It’s important to note that the rate at which you’ll gain muscle is not predictable, as it’s largely influenced by genetics, age, and the hormonal profile of the individuals. For instance, someone with a genetic predisposition for muscle growth and a high percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers could gain up to 2 pounds of lean mass per month, while someone with a different genetic profile and body type may only gain half a pound per month.

2.1. Role of Hormones in Muscle Growth

Anabolic hormones like testosterone, and insulin-like growth factors also play an essential role in muscle growth and development. How do these hormones link with the growth of muscle mass? All these anabolic hormones stimulate muscle growth.

Men naturally have higher levels of testosterone than women, which makes it easier for them to develop muscle mass. However, genetics also play a role in how much testosterone an individual’s body can produce.

3. Contribution of Diet to Muscle Mass Development

To gain more muscle mass without going to the gym or consuming muscle-building supplements, you must fuel your body with the right supply of nutrition. A muscle-building diet plan that includes a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats is essential for muscle growth. When you engage in your daily workout, your muscle tissue breaks down. However, your muscles need rest and proper nutrition for recovery and to get stronger.

This recovery phase is where the magic happens, as the body’s metabolism increases and the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) takes effect. The key is to have a balanced diet that provides your body with the necessary nutrients during this phase to build stronger muscles. Striking the appropriate balance is essential since eating too many carbohydrates and fats and not enough protein can prevent you from building muscle and instead cause you to gain fat. It means, your muscles need the right fuel to grow, so a high-protein diet alone won’t suffice. You need to maintain balance in consuming all the macronutrients including carbohydrates and fats to achieve your goal.

Micronutrients including vitamins and minerals are also essential for the formation of muscles. For instance, the magnesium present in nuts and oilseeds aids in the contraction of your muscles, increases energy, and lessens cramping and exhaustion. The physical performance is also enhanced by vitamin B6, which is present in poultry, fish, bananas, and oats.

However, with the right diet regimen, anyone can add strength and mass, regardless of their genetic makeup. So, from all these discussions, you know two things, first, how much a person gains muscle mass naturally is a matter of genetic makeup. Second, the other contributing factor that determines the fate of muscle mass is dietary habits.

4. Size of Muscle Cells in the Growth of Muscle

Another factor that can influence muscle growth is the size of muscle cells. Bodybuilders, for example, tend to have larger muscle cells than the general population. In some cases, exercise can even stimulate the process of hyperplasia, which can increase the number of muscle cells and further enhance muscle growth potential.

5. Muscle Fibers and Muscle Growth

Muscle fibers are the building blocks of muscle tissue, and the way they respond to exercise can greatly affect muscle growth. There are two main types of muscle fibers: slow-twitch (red) fibers and fast-twitch (white) fibers. Slow-twitch fibers are more suited for endurance activities like running, while fast-twitch fibers are better for high-intensity activities like weightlifting.

However, understanding how muscle fibers increase muscle mass naturally can help you optimize your exercise and nutrition plan to achieve your goals. While genetics play a role in muscle growth potential, other factors like nutrition and muscle size are also important. By focusing on all of these factors together, you can maximize your muscle growth potential and achieve your desired results.

6. Role of Myostatin in Muscle Building

Another contributing factor that influences muscle growth is myostatin. Myostatin, a protein that restricts muscle growth, may make it easier for some individuals to gain muscle mass. It’s crucial to remember that genetics is only one component that affects how much muscle grows. Adequate nutrition, appropriate rest and recuperation, and a well-planned exercise regimen are all essential for naturally increasing muscle mass.

7. FAQs

7.1. Why Do Your Muscles Need Rest to Grow?

Rest is essential for muscle growth because it allows the body to repair and rebuild muscle fibers that have been broken down during exercise. When you engage in strength training, you create small tears in your muscles, and rest provides the time for the body to repair these tears and make the muscle fibers stronger.

If you are not providing adequate rest to your body, it may not have time to repair these tears, which can lead to muscle fatigue and injury.

7.2. Is there any Genetic Limit In Growth?

Yes, there is a genetic limit to muscular growth, which is determined by factors such as muscle fiber type, muscle cell size, and hormone levels. While training and nutrition can help you reach your maximum potential, ultimately your genetic makeup plays a significant role in determining how much muscle you can naturally gain.

7.3. Does a Taller Person Have More Muscle Than Smaller Ones?

Height does not necessarily determine how much muscle mass a person can maintain. Muscle growth is primarily influenced by genetics, diet, and exercise. However, muscle growth also depends upon muscle size, and muscle fibers. Taller people may have longer muscle fibers, but the number of muscle fibers is determined by genetics and does not vary based on height.

7.4. Which is the Weakest Human Muscle?

The weakest muscle in the human body is the stapedius muscle, which is located in the ear. Its main function is to stabilize the smallest bone in the body, the stapes, which is involved in transmitting sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear.

While it is considered the weakest muscle in terms of its size and strength, it plays a crucial role in our ability to hear and balance.

7.5. What is Maximum Muscle Potential?

Maximum muscle potential refers to the genetic limit or the highest amount of muscle mass that a person can naturally achieve with proper diet and exercise. This limit varies from person to person based on factors such as age, body type, and genetics. Understanding your maximum muscle potential can help you set realistic goals and develop a suitable training program to achieve your desired physique.

8. Conclusion

Building muscle naturally is a complex process that is influenced by a combination of genetics, nutrition, and exercise. While genetics plays a role in determining muscle growth potential and the type of muscle fibers a person has, it is still possible to gain significant muscle mass through consistent and targeted strength training and a balanced diet. It is important to understand that there are limits to how much muscle a person can naturally gain and that unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration. By focusing on realistic and sustainable goals, individuals can work towards achieving their desired level of muscle mass in a healthy and effective way.

While genetics do play a role in a muscle development capacity, it is not the only determinant. Anybody can gain muscle mass and enhance their physical fitness with persistent work and attention to a good eating and resting schedule. Ultimately, the key is to focus on what you can control and to work towards your goals with endurance and dedication. Everyone, with the appropriate strategy, can maximize their inherent muscle-building potential.

“This article is originally posted on borntough.com, and borntough.com own the sole copyright on this article. If you read this article outside borntough.com, please report this website to the authority because they have stolen the content from borntough.com and violated borntough copyright”

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Born Tough

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Wellcare World specializes in providing the latest advancements in wellness technology, supplementation, and lifestyle changes that improve health and increase the quality of people's lives. To learn more, visit WellcareWorld.com and begin living a better life today.

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How Do Your Dog’s Hormones Affect Their Health and Behavior?

dog hormones | How Do Your Dog’s Hormones Affect Their Health and Behavior? | Hormones play a vital role in a dog's health and behavior. Hormonal imbalances can lead to various health issues and behavioral changes. For example, an overactive thyroid gland can cause weight loss, restlessness, and increased appetite, while an underactive thyroid gland can result in weight gain, lethargy, and hair loss. | Wellcare World | health

Hormone levels can impact a dog’s mood, energy levels, and overall well-being

From estrogen and testosterone to adrenaline and cortisol, your dog’s have a profound impact on their well-being — physically, mentally and emotionally.

Most people know that hormones are important for regulating body systems. These natural chemicals impact systems and metabolism on almost every level of the body, and also have a significant influence on and mood — not only in ourselves, but in our as well. Read on for a discussion of the most common hormones and how they affect your dog’s and behavior.


A hormone is a chemical transmitter substance produced by cells in the body. It is transported through the bloodstream to the cells and organs on which it has a specific regulatory effect. In other words, hormones act as chemical messengers within the body, in order to stimulate or suppress certain processes or actions.


There are dozens and dozens of different hormones in the body, but the most well-recognized players include:

  • Testosterone
  • Estrogen
  • Adrenaline
  • Cortisol
  • Thyroid hormone
  • hormone
  • Insulin
  • Melatonin

Additionally, specific neurotransmitters act as hormones in the body, and these include serotonin, dopamine, and GABA.image 2023 05 11 094139215 e1683823312535 | How Do Your Dog’s Hormones Affect Their Health and Behavior? | Hormones play a vital role in a dog's health and behavior. Hormonal imbalances can lead to various health issues and behavioral changes. For example, an overactive thyroid gland can cause weight loss, restlessness, and increased appetite, while an underactive thyroid gland can result in weight gain, lethargy, and hair loss. | Wellcare World | health

All these hormones act within complex networks collectively referred to as the endocrine system. The endocrine system is a network of glandular organs that produce and regulate hormones to control and coordinate the body’s metabolism, energy level, reproduction, growth and development, response to injury and/or stress, and mood.

Crucially important glands within the endocrine system include:

  • Hypothalamus
  • Pineal gland
  • Pituitary gland
  • Thyroid gland
  • Parathyroid gland
  • Thymus
  • Adrenal gland
  • Pancreas
  • Ovaries
  • Testes

The gut (gastrointestinal tract) also acts as an endocrine gland since it works with endocrine cells, neurons, and immune cells, using gut peptides as signaling substances. In fact, some of the hormones in the gut are also found in the brain, which supports the concept of the gut-brain axis.


These health problems are very common in our canine companions, and appear to be on the rise. There are many reasons for this, such as:

  1. Processed foods and toxins: Many toxins are known to be direct endocrine disruptors, and include common pet food preservatives such BPA and BHA, and herbicides in foods such as glyphosate (Roundup).
  2. Nutrient deficiencies: Trace minerals such as magnesium, selenium, zinc, potassium and iodine are critically important for the body’s glands to function appropriately. Trace mineral deficiencies are very common in both dogs and humans.
  3. Spaying and neutering: Typically, when pets are de-sexed, the gonads (ovaries or testicles) are completely removed, which means the majority of testosterone and estrogen are gone for good. It is important to note that a certain level of sex hormones is crucially important for sustaining normal health and well-being.

image 2023 05 11 094231926 e1683823368165 | How Do Your Dog’s Hormones Affect Their Health and Behavior? | Hormones play a vital role in a dog's health and behavior. Hormonal imbalances can lead to various health issues and behavioral changes. For example, an overactive thyroid gland can cause weight loss, restlessness, and increased appetite, while an underactive thyroid gland can result in weight gain, lethargy, and hair loss. | Wellcare World | healthAs it turns out, the only other glands in the body that can produce some sex hormones are the adrenal glands. This means the adrenal glands in a spayed or neutered dog are placed under extra stress and demand throughout the animal’s lifetime. The adrenal glands are also responsible for regulating and releasing adrenaline and cortisol hormones, which is in itself a big job. Adrenaline is the hormone released during the body’s fight or flight response, triggered when stressful events occur.

Cortisol is also released by the adrenals in fight or flight scenarios, and is continually released in chronic stress situations. Ongoing stressors for dogs can include things like chronic pain, chronic itching due to allergies, environmental stressors, household upsets, separation anxiety, etc.


Chronic anxiety is becoming more common in animals, with growing numbers of dogs being placed on prescription medications to manage it. The common metabolic causes of anxiety include HPA dysfunction, compromised gut health, and nutrient deficiencies.

  • The HPA axis describes the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, which is known as the command center and communication feedback system in the part of the brain that senses stress. The HPA axis controls reactions to stress and regulates digestion and the immune system, as well as mood and emotions.
  • When this system is continually firing under conditions of chronic stress, the negative feedback loop mechanism (which normally keeps things in check) can break down. This HPA dysfunction is recognized as a cause of chronic anxiety.
  • If the situation continues, this dysfunction can lead to adrenal gland depletion, otherwise known as adrenal fatigue. Other health conditions associated with adrenal dysfunction include Cushing’s and Addison’s diseases. All these adrenal gland conditions can affect a dog’s behavior, causing everything from anxiety and restlessness to low energy and fatigue.


If your dog is still sexually intact, they will have higher levels of sex hormones — i.e. testosterone in males and estrogen and progesterone in females. These can certainly also affect behavior and mood.

  • Testosterone is known to influence confidence, dominance, and potentially aggression. However, this is not to say a neutered dog won’t display these behaviors. In fact, some dog parents see their dogs’ aggressive or reactive behaviors actually heighten after neutering; it appears that, in some circumstances, removing the confidence-supporting testosterone hormone could lead to more fear-related aggression behaviors. This demonstrates that hormones have very complex effects on the body, mind and mood.
  • Estrogen is known to help regulate mood. In human women, low levels of estrogen are shown to influence anxiety, depression and stress.
  • Progesterone is a “feel good” hormone that has a calming effect. In female dogs, progesterone is released after ovulation during the heat cycle, whether they are bred or not (even if they do not become pregnant), and continues to be measured at high levels for many weeks after.

In conclusion, it’s clear that hormones exert vast effects on the body and directly influence the emotional and mental well-being of our dogs and ourselves.

The post How Do Your Dog’s Hormones Affect Their Health and Behavior? appeared first on Animal Wellness Magazine.

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Wellcare World specializes in providing the latest advancements in wellness technology, supplementation, and lifestyle changes that improve health and increase the quality of people's lives. To learn more, visit WellcareWorld.com and begin living a better life today.

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Why DIY Rat Cages Are Not the Best Idea for Rats

Thinking about creating a DIY rat cage? It might seem like a fun and budget-friendly idea, but there are some important factors to consider before diving into the DIY world.

Let’s explore why DIY rat cages might not be the ideal option for your furry friends. We’ll cover topics like ventilation, materials, and potential costs!


need plenty of fresh air in their cage to stay healthy. They produce urine that contains ammonia, which can be harmful if it accumulates in their living space. Inadequate ventilation can lead to respiratory stress, which can lead to serious health issues. So, ensuring proper airflow is a must for rat housing.

Designing a DIY cage that balances durability and airflow can be quite tricky.

Plus, rats are notorious chewers! They’ll happily nibble on anything within reach, including cage stands and walls. This chewing habit can weaken the structure of your DIY cage, posing risks to your rats.

Unsuitable Materials

Wood is often the go-to material for DIY rat cages due to its versatility and ease of customization. However, it’s not a suitable choice for housing rats.

These little critters love to chew, and wood is no exception. They can quickly chew through wooden structures, turning your DIY masterpiece into an escape route for your rats.

On top of that, wood is almost impossible to clean thoroughly, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy and hygienic environment for the rats. While you can easily remove and clean wooden cage accessories individually, cleaning a wooden-based DIY enclosure as a whole can be a real hassle.

Another option is plastic which poses no health hazard, but rats can easily chew through it.

I’ve also seen cages made of glass. These are absolutely unsafe as they trap ammonia in the cage and don’t allow it to disperse.


When it comes to rat cages, size matters! It’s important to give your furry friends plenty of room to roam and play. Ideally, a rat cage should measure at least 32×20 inches or 80×50 centimeters in floor space. However, creating such a spacious DIY cage can be quite a challenge. In fact, many DIY cages I’ve come across often fall short in terms of floor space.

We all want the best for our little companions, and that includes providing them with ample space to move around and explore. Unfortunately, DIY cages may not always meet these size requirements, as they can be tricky to design and construct on a larger scale.

Rat cage Critter Nation one story 850 | Why DIY Rat Cages Are Not the Best Idea for Rats | DIY rat cages may seem like a cost-effective option, but they may not meet the specific needs of rats. Commercial rat cages are designed with safety features, proper ventilation, easy maintenance, and ample space for enrichment. | Wellcare World | health

A rat cage should have a volume of over 8 cubic feet.

Consider the Costs

Compared to ready-made rat cages available in stores, DIY enclosures come with their fair share of risks and potential expenses.

Designing and building a DIY cage that meets your rats’ needs can be time-consuming and end up being more costly. It requires careful planning, knowledge of suitable materials, and some DIY skills. Without these resources, creating a safe and suitable DIY cage can be quite a challenge.

If you’re considering DIY because you’re on a budget, your best bet is to check platforms like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and local exotic animal groups. You can often find high-quality enclosures at affordable prices when buying second-hand. This way, you’ll not only save money but also eliminate the risks and uncertainties associated with DIY rat cages.

Prioritizing Rat Happiness

Choosing the right cage is crucial for the well-being of your rats. Their overall health depends on proper care and suitable living conditions. Investing in a well-designed and purpose-built rat cage ensures your rats have enough space and proper ventilation.

By focusing on their needs, you’ll be providing them with a comfortable and enjoyable environment.

Factors to Consider When Making a DIY Rat Cage

If you are considering the option of building your own rat cage, there are several important factors to keep in mind to ensure the well-being of your pets.

Follow these guidelines for a comfortable and suitable rat habitat:

  • Size: It is essential to provide your rats with ample room to move and explore. A cage with a floor space of at least 32×20 inches (80×50 cm) will allow them to roam and engage in their natural behaviors.
  • Adequate Ventilation: Ideally, all four sides and the top of the cage should be fully ventilated to ensure your rats get enough fresh air.
  • Suitable Materials: Wood is a bad choice as it absorbs the pee, and both plastic and wood can be chewed through and pose an escape risk. A fully metal cage would be the best choice, as it can’t be chewed and it’s not absorbent.
  • Bar Spacing: The bar spacing needs to be small enough to prevent any Houdini-like escapes. A gap between bars measuring ½ inch (1 – 1.5 cm) will keep your rats securely inside the cage.
  • Substrate Requirements: Rats are burrowing animals and benefit greatly from having substrate to dig in. When constructing your DIY cage, make a cage base at least 6 inches (15 cm) tall. This way, you can add a minimum of 4 inches (10 cm) of the substrate while having a few inches as a scatter guard. If that’s not an option, add digging boxes in the finished cage setup.

Examples of Bad & Unsuitable DIY Rat Cages

Browsing around the internet, I wasn’t able to find many suitable DIY rat cages with proper ventilation, made of safe materials, and enough floor space. In contrast, there’s a fair share of bad DIY rat cages that don’t provide adequate housing. Here are some examples so you know what not to do.

Bad DIY rat cages (what not to do):

Example of a bad DIY rat cage
Cages made of glass are not safe.
Image from Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)


While DIY projects can be a blast, DIY rat cages might not be the best option for your furry friends. The challenges of ventilation, the pitfalls of wooden structures, and the potential risks and costs involved make ready-made rat cages a more reliable choice.

So, instead of embarking on a potentially complicated and expensive DIY project, consider checking out affordable, high-quality second-hand cages on platforms like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist.

By putting your rats’ well-being first and selecting the right cage, you’ll ensure they have a cozy and safe home they’ll love to call their own.

The post Why DIY Rat Cages Are Not the Best Idea for Rats appeared first on Animallama.

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