Humans Help Computers Spot Burst of Space Debris

Humans Help Computers Spot Burst of Space Debris

The ThunderKAT radio survey keeps constant tabs on objects, such as accreting black holes and magnetized neutron stars, that are known to exhibit big, sporadic changes in their radio flux. The survey also searches for new transient sources. Finding them is primarily done by computer algorithms, but given how good humans are at pattern recognition, the ThunderKAT team wondered if human volunteers could find new transients more effectively. The answer is yes. In a trial that lasted three months, 1000 volunteers discovered 142 new transients [1]. The effort could inform how future transient surveys should be conducted.

ThunderKAT Team Specialists

Astronomers have cataloged many types of transients, from bursters to cataclysmic variables. The variability of these objects arises from explosive, out-of-equilibrium processes under extreme conditions. To better understand these processes, the ThunderKAT team studies transient phenomena in the Southern Sky using MeerKAT, an array of 64 radio telescopes located at a remote site in South Africa’s arid interior. When MeerKAT points at a known transient, ThunderKAT’s algorithms search for other point sources in the array’s 1° × 1° field. If the algorithms find a new transient, the computer program then sifts through archive data to see if radio signals have been observed from the source location during previous MeerKAT observations. If so, the program assembles a light curve, which is a record of the radio flux over time. Whether the new source is classified as a transient depends on how it scores with respect to two variability statistics: η𝜂, which sums over the flux variations with respect to mean, and V, which divides the standard deviation by the mean flux.

The meerkat radio telescope array in south africa

The algorithms have identified many new transients, but the team decided to have humans look through some of the data to check whether any objects might have been missed. The data used in the trial extended over two years and came from weekly observations of 11 known transient sources. Within a three-month window, human volunteers evaluated candidates on the citizen platform Zooniverse. For each candidate, the volunteers faced two tasks. The first was to look at an image and determine if the source in the center was a point source. (Extended sources are outside ThunderKAT’s remit.) The second task was to look at the corresponding light curve and evaluate whether the variability it embodied was significant.

Volunteers Called into Action

The volunteers found the 168 sources that ThunderKAT’s algorithms had already flagged as transient. But they also found 142 more that the algorithms had missed. Those sources turned out to have values of η𝜂 and V that were insufficiently extreme to trigger selection by the algorithms. Humans, it seems, were better at recognizing the normal variability of faint sources.

Astronomer and citizen science proponent Lucy Fortson of the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, points out that it’s not just pattern recognition that humans excel at. “Humans also need less training data for recognizing patterns,” she says. “They also generalize better and can recognize more readily patterns ‘out of class.’”

New Discoveries

Some of the newly discovered sources turned out to have counterparts that had been observed before by other facilities at other wavelengths. One of them is the red supergiant star OH 30.1–0.7, whose radio emission comes from radiationally pumped hydroxyl radicals in the star’s strong wind. The variability of the radio emission suggests that OH 30.1–0.7 could have a binary companion, but other explanations remain in play.

Observations by the 24-inch MeerLICHT optical telescope, which is co-located with MeerKAT, suggest that the majority of the citizen science identifications are active galactic nuclei. The observed variability of these objects on timescales of months to years is likely not intrinsic. Rather, it arises from a more prosaic effect: refractive interstellar scintillation—twinkling—caused by the passage of extragalactic radio waves through the Milky Way’s turbulent interstellar medium.

Even if only a fraction of the new sources are found to be genuine transients, the ThunderKAT team can use the citizen science findings to tweak their algorithms. In addition, one of MeerKAT’s original goals is to test technologies for the similar, but much larger, Square Kilometre Array (SKA), whose 1000 antennas are expected to start gathering data in 2027. The researchers conclude that the success of ThunderKAT’s citizen science project will improve not only MeerKAT’s data-crunching algorithms but also SKA’s.

By: Charles Day: Senior Editor for Physics Magazine.


  1. A. Andersson et al., “Bursts from : MeerKAT – The first citizen science project dedicated to commensal radio transients,” arXiv:2304.14157; Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (to be published).

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The Physics of Terahertz

The Physics of Terahertz

(THz) waves, also known as T-rays, are a type of electromagnetic that have a frequency range between 0.1 and 10 THz. has been studied for many years, and research has shown that these waves have unique properties that make them useful for many applications. In this article, we will explore the of terahertz waves and their potential applications in different fields.

The Physics of Terahertz Waves

Terahertz waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation that consist of electric and magnetic fields that oscillate perpendicular to each other and to the direction of wave propagation. They have a relatively long wavelength (ranging from 30 micrometers to 3 millimeters), and they lie between the infrared and microwave regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The physics of terahertz waves is based on the fundamental principles of electromagnetism. These waves are produced by accelerating charged particles or by transitions between energy states in atoms or molecules. The frequency of terahertz waves is related to the energy difference between these energy states.

One important characteristic of terahertz waves is their ability to interact with matter in unique ways. Unlike higher-energy radiation, such as X-rays or gamma rays, terahertz waves are not ionizing, which means they do not break apart molecules or cause damage to living tissues. Instead, they can penetrate many materials, such as plastics, paper, and textiles, while being absorbed by others, such as water, metals, and semiconductors.

The absorption and transmission of terahertz waves depend on the material’s chemical composition and structure, as well as the properties of the wave itself. The amplitude of terahertz waves can also be modulated, which makes them useful for communication applications.

The Applications of Terahertz Technology

Terahertz technology has numerous potential applications in different fields due to its unique properties. Some of the most promising applications of terahertz technology are discussed below.

Imaging and Sensing

One of the most promising applications of terahertz technology is in imaging and sensing. Terahertz waves can penetrate many materials, making them useful for non-destructive testing and imaging applications. They can also be used to detect chemical and biological agents, as well as to identify and characterize the composition and structure of materials.

In medicine, terahertz waves can be used to detect and diagnose cancer and other diseases. They can also be used to monitor the water content of skin, which is useful in cosmetic and dermatological applications.

In addition, terahertz waves can be used to detect concealed weapons and explosives, making them useful for security applications.


Another area of application for terahertz technology is in material science. Terahertz waves can be used to study the properties of materials, such as the electrical and thermal conductivity, the dielectric constant, and the refractive index. They can also be used to study the molecular dynamics of materials, which is important in fields such as condensed matter physics, chemistry, and materials science.

Terahertz technology has the potential to revolutionize the field of material science by providing new tools for studying and manipulating the properties of materials.


Terahertz waves can also be used for communication applications. They have the potential to provide high-bandwidth wireless communication that is faster than existing wireless technologies. Terahertz waves can also be used for short-range communication applications, such as wireless connections between devices in a room or in a building.

However, there are some challenges to using terahertz waves for communication. Terahertz waves have a shorter range than other wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. In addition, they are easily absorbed by water vapor, which can limit their usefulness in outdoor environments.

Despite these challenges, researchers are exploring new ways to use terahertz waves for communication applications. For example, they are investigating the use of metasurfaces and other materials that can manipulate the properties of terahertz waves to improve their range and performance.


The physics of terahertz waves is a fascinating area of research that has many potential applications in different fields, including imaging, sensing, material science, and communication. Terahertz waves have unique properties that make them useful for non-destructive testing and imaging applications, as well as for studying the properties of materials and molecules. They also have the potential to provide high-bandwidth wireless communication that is faster than existing wireless technologies.

While there are still challenges to using terahertz technology in some applications, researchers are making progress in developing new materials and techniques that can overcome these challenges. With continued research and development, terahertz technology has the potential to revolutionize many different fields and improve our understanding of the world around us.

Einstein and Frequency Medicine

Einstein and Frequency Medicine

Albert Einstein is widely recognized as one of the most influential physicists of the 20th century. While his work focused primarily on theoretical , some of his ideas and theories have been applied to medical research and the development of medical technologies. In this article, we will explore Einstein’s thoughts on energy frequency and how they relate to medical .

Einstein’s Theory of Energy and Mass

One of Einstein’s most famous equations is E=mc², which describes the relationship between energy and mass. This equation states that energy and mass are equivalent and can be converted into each other. This principle is the foundation of the principles of , which involves the use of radioactive isotopes to diagnose and treat disease.

The use of radioactive isotopes in medicine is based on the fact that these isotopes release energy in the form of as they decay. This radiation can be detected and used to produce images of the body’s internal structures, such as bones, organs, and tissues. Additionally, radioactive isotopes can be used to treat cancer, as the energy released by these isotopes can be used to kill cancer cells.

While the use of radioactive isotopes in medicine can have potential risks and side effects, it has also revolutionized the field of medical diagnosis and treatment.

Einstein’s Work on the Photoelectric Effect

Another area where Einstein’s work has had an impact on medical science is in the development of photonics, which is the study of light and its properties. Einstein’s work on the photoelectric effect helped to develop the field of photonics, which has been applied to medical imaging technologies such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI.

The photoelectric effect is the phenomenon where electrons are emitted from a material when it absorbs light. This effect is the basis of the operation of photodetectors, which are used in many medical imaging technologies. For example, machines use photodetectors to detect the radiation that is emitted as X-rays pass through the body. CT scans and MRI also use photodetectors to produce images of the body’s internal structures.

The use of photonics in medical imaging has revolutionized the field of medical diagnosis and treatment by providing doctors with detailed images of the body’s internal structures. This has allowed for more accurate diagnoses and more targeted treatments.

The Use of Frequencies in Medicine

Einstein’s work on energy and mass has also contributed to the development of the use of frequencies in medicine. The use of frequencies in medicine is based on the idea that the body’s cells and tissues have a natural frequency, and that imbalances in these frequencies can lead to illness.

Bioresonance therapy is one example of the use of frequencies in medicine. This therapy uses low-energy electromagnetic frequencies to restore balance to the body’s natural frequencies, with the goal of promoting healing and reducing symptoms of disease. While the use of frequencies in medicine is still considered an emerging field, there is ongoing research into the potential applications of this approach, particularly in the areas of management, , and immune system function.

Albert Einstein’s Thoughts on Energy Frequency in Medicine

While Einstein did not specifically work in the field of medicine, he did express some thoughts on the relationship between energy frequency and . In a letter to a friend in 1945, Einstein wrote:

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

This quote suggests that Einstein believed that energy frequency was an important factor in health and wellness. While it is unclear whether he was specifically referring to the use of frequencies in medicine, this quote has been cited by proponents of bioresonance therapy and other alternative medical treatments that are based on the use of frequencies.

In addition, Einstein also wrote about the importance of balance in health. In a letter to his son in 1930, he wrote:

“Health is not merely the absence of disease… Real health is the equilibrium between organism and environment.”

This quote suggests that Einstein believed that health was not simply the absence of disease, but rather a state of balance between the body and its environment. This idea is consistent with the principles of bioresonance therapy, which seeks to restore balance to the body’s natural frequencies.


Albert Einstein’s work in physics has contributed to the development of medical technologies and has helped to pave the way for new approaches to medical treatment and research. His theories on energy and mass have been applied in the field of nuclear medicine, while his work on the photoelectric effect has contributed to the development of photonics, which is used in medical imaging technologies.

Additionally, Einstein’s thoughts on energy frequency suggest that he believed that the relationship between energy and health was important. While the use of frequencies in medicine is still considered an emerging field, ongoing research into the potential applications of this approach suggests that it may have promise in the areas of pain management, inflammation, and immune system function.

Overall, while Einstein did not specifically work in the field of medicine, his work in physics has contributed to the development of medical technologies and has helped to pave the way for new approaches to medical treatment and research, including the use of frequencies in medicine.



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