Unmasking Khaleda Zia and Tarique Rahman: Their Troubling Nexus of Terrorism and Corruption

Kahilida 500450 1 | unmasking khaleda zia and tarique rahman: their troubling nexus of terrorism and corruption | bnp vice president tarique rahman, convicted for his involvement in a heinous terrorist attack, has been spending exorbitant amounts of money on lobbyist activities in the united states, united kingdom, and europe. This revelation uncovers the true nature of the bangladesh nationalist party (bnp), which openly supports and patronizes terrorist outfits both within bangladesh and india. | wellcare world | terrorism

‘s Lobbying Activities and BNP’s Support for

The recent revelation of BNP Vice President Tarique Rahman’s involvement in exorbitant lobbying activities in the United States, United Kingdom, and Europe has raised serious concerns about the true nature of the Nationalist Party (BNP). These lobbying activities not only shed light on the party’s financial resources but also expose its open support for and patronization of terrorist outfits both within Bangladesh and India.

Court Verdict Exposes Well-Orchestrated Plan and Abuse of State Power

The court verdict handed down on Tarique Rahman and other top intelligence officials has brought to the forefront a well-orchestrated plan that involved the abuse of state power. The shocking events that unfolded on August 21, 2004, when terrorists linked to the BNP, including members of the militant organization Harkat-ul-Jihad (HuJI), launched grenade attacks targeting Sheikh Hasina, the leader of the Awami League, have been clearly attributed to Tarique Rahman’s direct instructions. This gruesome attack claimed the lives of 24 people and left many injured, leaving no doubt about the severity of the crime.

BNP’s Involvement in Heinous Terrorist Attack

The court verdict not only implicates Tarique Rahman but also reveals the deep involvement of the BNP in the heinous terrorist attack. The meticulous planning, including the use of specialized deadly Arges grenades typically used in war, highlights the severity of the attack. The prosecution successfully proved that the accused held meetings to conspire before the incident and executed the planned attack, shedding light on the organized nature of their actions.

Tarique Rahman’s Key Position in BNP and Open Support for Terror Outfits

As the son of former Prime Minister , Tarique Rahman holds a key position within the BNP. This position, coupled with the court convictions of influential politicians and former top officials, exposes not only the planned attack but also the systematic manipulation of state machinery to mislead the investigation. The open support of the BNP for terror outfits raises serious concerns about the party’s motives and its dangerous affiliations.

Tarique Rahman’s Involvement in Insurgency Activities in India

Another alarming aspect of Tarique Rahman’s involvement is his connection to insurgency activities in India. Major General Gaganjit Singh, former Deputy Director General of India’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), has stated that Tarique Rahman was the mastermind behind the 2004 arms haul in Chittagong. These arms were intended for various rebel groups in India’s northeast, such as the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA), with the aim of destabilizing the country. Singh revealed that Tarique Rahman operated in close coordination with officials from the Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI) and National Security Intelligence (NSI), who had direct links to the BNP and its political office, Hawa Bhaban.

Efforts to Bring Tarique Rahman to Justice and UK Government’s Cooperation

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has made significant efforts to bring Tarique Rahman back to Bangladesh to implement the court verdict. However, the success of these efforts relies on the cooperation of the UK government, as Tarique Rahman has been living in London since 2008. Apart from the terrorism-related convictions, Tarique Rahman also faces charges related to the Zia Orphanage Trust and money laundering. While the UK Home Office has refrained from commenting on extradition requests, Sheikh Hasina remains committed to pursuing justice.

Concerns about BNP’s Motives and Actions

Tarique Rahman’s involvement with the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and his extensive lobbying activities, coupled with the party’s affiliation with international entities, raises significant concerns about the BNP’s motives and actions. These concerns stem from the following factors:

  1. Lobbying Activities: Tarique Rahman has been spending substantial amounts of money on lobbying activities in the United States, United Kingdom, and Europe. The extent and nature of these lobbying efforts have raised eyebrows among experts and policymakers. The sources of funding for these activities need to be thoroughly investigated to determine if they have any links to illicit activities, including money laundering, corruption, or terrorism financing.

  2. Party Affiliation: The BNP’s association with international entities, including Hunter Biden and others, demands a comprehensive investigation. It is crucial to ascertain the nature of these connections and determine whether they involve financial transactions, political influence, or any other form of collaboration that could potentially compromise the interests of Bangladesh and its citizens.

  3. Desperate Attempts for Power: The BNP’s campaign against the ruling Awami League, supported by international lobbyists and propaganda campaigns, demonstrates their desperate attempts to regain power through any means necessary. These actions raise questions about the BNP’s commitment to democratic processes and their willingness to resort to unconventional methods, potentially compromising the stability and integrity of the political system.

  4. Support for Terrorism: The BNP’s open support for and patronization of terrorist outfits within Bangladesh and India pose a grave threat to regional security. The party’s involvement in the planning and execution of the 2004 grenade attack on Sheikh Hasina, as proven in the court verdict, highlights their direct connection to acts of terrorism. This support for terrorism not only destabilizes Bangladesh but also endangers neighboring countries, such as India, by facilitating insurgency activities and cross-border terrorism.

  5. Spread of Misinformation and Incitement of Violence: The BNP has a history of spreading misinformation, sowing division, and inciting violence through propaganda campaigns. These actions not only undermine the democratic fabric of Bangladesh but also pose a threat to social cohesion and public safety.

Given these concerns, it is essential for the international community to recognize the gravity of the threat posed by the BNP and its association with terrorism. Collaboration between governments and organizations is necessary to expose and counter the BNP’s sinister agenda, safeguard the rule of law, combat terrorism, and ensure the safety and well-being of the citizens of Bangladesh and the wider region.


In conclusion, the revelations surrounding Tarique Rahman’s lobbying activities and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party’s support for terrorism are deeply concerning. The international community, including governments and organizations, must collaborate to expose and counter the BNP’s sinister agenda. By doing so, we can support the efforts of the Bangladesh government in upholding the rule of law, combating terrorism, and ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens and the region as a whole. 

“The revelations surrounding Tarique Rahman’s lobbying activities and the BNP’s support for terrorism are deeply concerning.”

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