Is Sweating Good for You? 11 Surprising Benefits

Is Sweating Good for You? 11 Surprising Benefits

Are you someone who dreads the idea of sweating? It can help if you rethink it. is more than just a byproduct of or heat; it’s a natural superpower that can work wonders for your health and .

From detoxifying the body to improving your , sweating offers many benefits that you need to be aware of. In this article, we’ll delve into the science of sweating and explore the rp1 surprising benefits that sweating can offer.

1. The Science of Sweating

Sweating is an essential and natural function of the body that is designed to regulate your body temperature. It is mainly made of water but contains some minerals and waste products.

Interestingly, your body has millions of sweat glands all over your skin, but they are primarily concentrated in your palms, soles, forehead, and underarms.

1.1. Anatomy of Sweat Glands

Sweat glands are small, coiled tubular structures responsible for producing sweat. There are two types of sweat glands, eccrine and apocrine glands.

  • First, eccrine glands are the most common sweat glands found all over your body. These glands regulate your body temperature by producing sweat, which evaporates from your skin and helps to cool you down.
  • Second, apocrine glands are in your underarms and genital region. These glands are responsible for producing sweat-containing fatty acids and proteins. When this type of sweat mixes with bacteria on your skin, it can cause body odor.

“Sweating is like your body’s built-in air conditioning system, helping to regulate your temperature and keep you cool during physical activity.”

2. Process of Sweating

Sweating is initiated when your body temperature rises due to external and internal factors such as heat, exercise, or stress. As body temperature increases, it signals the sweat glands to produce sweat.

The produced sweat is released onto your skin through tiny openings called pores. As it evaporates from your skin, it helps to cool you down and regulate your body temperature.

3. Factors That Affect Sweating

Many factors affect sweating. They can range from physical activity to emotional stress. Here are some of the most critical factors which can cause sweating:

  • Temperature & Humidity
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Genetics
  • Physical Activity
  • Emotional & Mental Stress
  • Certain Medical Conditions
  • Medications

4. 11 Benefits of Sweating

11 benefits of sweating

Sweating has several essential benefits for your overall health and well-being. It is a natural function of the body that regulates your body temperature. Here, you can explore the benefits of sweating and how they contribute to your physical and mental health.



One of the most surprising benefits of sweating is its ability to detoxify your body. The skin is the largest organ in your body, and sweating is one of the ways that your body eliminates toxins.

As you sweat, you excrete toxins and impurities from your body, including heavy metals, pesticides, and other harmful chemicals.

4.2. Improves Skin Health

Improves skin health

During sweating, your skin pores open up and release dirt and impurities. It can help to unclog pores and prevent acne and other skin blemishes. In short, you can wipe out all the impurities by sweating for healthy and glowing skin.

It helps to improve blood circulation and oxygen delivery to your skin, promoting cell growth and repair.

4.3. Boost Immunity

Boost immunity

A great benefit of sweating is that it boosts your . Your body releases a natural antimicrobial peptide called dermcidin when you are sweating. This peptide helps to fight off bacteria and viruses that prevent infections and illness.

4.4. Weight Loss

Weight loss

Sweating is vital to your body’s natural cooling process, especially during . It can regulate your body temperature and keep it optimal for physical activity. It’s also thought to help the body burn calories more efficiently, aiding in weight loss. But did you know that sweating can also help with weight loss?

To get the most out of sweating for weight loss, try exercising in a hot or humid environment such as a sauna or steam room. Make sure you only do it in these environments, as excessive heat can be dangerous if not monitored properly.

You’ll be able to sweat even more than you would during regular exercise, which will cause your heart rate and metabolism to increase even further. Moreover, staying hydrated and replenishing electrolytes lost through sweating with water or sports drinks is important.

4.5. Reduces Stress

Reduces stress

Sweating can reduce stress and . While sweating, your body releases that are natural mood boosters. These endorphins reduce stress and promote relaxation and well-being. Additionally, sweating can decrease cortisol levels, which is a hormone that is associated with stress.

4.6. Improves Cardiovascular Health

Improves cardiovascular health

It can improve your cardiovascular health because sweat increases your heart rate. This may dilate your blood vessels which improve blood circulation. The gradual process can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

4.7. Enhances Athletic Performance

Enhances athletic performance

Through sweating, you can also enhance your athletic performance. When you exercise, your body temperature rises, and you sweat. When you cool down, it will increase your stamina and capacity to perform different exercises and athletic activities. It also helps to improve your endurance and stamina.

4.8. Promotes Mental Clarity

While sweating, your body releases endorphins that improve your mood and cognitive function. It strengthens your focus and concentration for better mental functioning.

4.9. Prevents Kidney Stones

Prevents kidney stones

The sweating process also prevents kidney stones. It excretes excess sodium and calcium, two minerals that can contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

With the help of sweating, you can reduce the levels of these minerals in your body and prevent kidney stone formation.

4.10. Improves Sleep

You’ll be glad to know that sweating improves your sleep. If you sweat, your body temperature drops, promoting feelings of relaxation and drowsiness.

Furthermore, it regulates your circadian rhythm that supports better sleep quality.

4.11. Decrease the Risk of Dementia

Decrease the risk of dementia

If you are worried about developing dementia, you will be glad to know that sweating reduces the risk.

Whenever you sweat, the body produces a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which helps the growth of new brain cells and improves cognitive function.

Regular exercises and sweating have been linked to increased BDNF production and a lower risk of dementia.

5. What are the Different Ways to Sweat?

Several ways induce sweating, often associated with physical exercise or heat.

Exercise is one of the most common and easy ways to sweat.

It has many benefits, including improving heart health, reducing chronic disease risk, and boosting mood. When you exercise, your body temperature rises, and your glands produce sweat to cool you down.

5.1. Saunas

Saunas are another popular way to induce sweating. A sauna promotes sweating by heating the air to a high temperature. The heat causes your body temperature to rise, which triggers your sweat glands to produce sweat.

These rooms have been used for centuries and are believed to have many health benefits, including reducing stress, improving heart conditions, and promoting relaxation.

5.2. Hot Yoga

The high temperature and humidity promote sweating, which is believed to help detoxify the body and improve flexibility. Hot yoga can also help reduce stress.

Hot yoga, known as Bikram yoga, is practiced in a room heated to around 105°F.

5.3. Steam Rooms

Steam rooms are similar to saunas but use moist rather than dry heat. It can be heated around 110°F. The high temperature and humidity promote sweating, which benefits your health. It helps improve your respiratory function, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation.

5.4. Spicy Foods

Eating spicy food can also induce sweating. It contains capsaicin, a compound that can stimulate the sweat glands and cause sweating.

These foods are also believed to have many health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving digestion, and boosting metabolism.

5.5. Hot Baths

Hot baths can also promote sweating. They have several benefits, including better skin health. As you soak in a hot bath, your body temperature rises, and your sweat glands begin to produce sweat.

5.6. Infrared Saunas

These saunas use infrared light to heat your body directly rather than heating the air around you. This type of Sauna is believed to have many health benefits, including better circulation.

6. FAQs

6.1. Is Letting Your Sweat Dry Bad For Your Health?

Letting sweat dry on your skin is not inherently bad for your health. However, if sweat is left to dry and mixed with bacteria, it can lead to body odour or skin irritation. Showering or wiping down with a clean towel after sweating is recommended.

6.2. Can Stress And Anxiety Cause Sweating?

Yes, stress and anxiety can cause sweating. When the body experiences stress or anxiety, it releases hormones that trigger the sweat glands to produce sweat.

It is a normal bodily response, but excessive sweating due to stress or anxiety may indicate hyperhidrosis.

6.3. Why Do We Sweat, And What Does It Say About Our Health?

People sweat to regulate their body temperature and maintain hydration. It’s a normal bodily function, but excessive sweating can indicate a medical condition.

Sweating can also indicate your overall health, hydration, and physical .

6.4. Is Sweating Too Often Unhealthy?

Maintaining hydration and good hygiene to prevent skin irritation and body odour is essential. Sweating too often is not necessarily unhealthy, but excessive sweating can indicate hyperhidrosis which is a medical condition.

6.5. What Is the Health Risk of Taking a Shower When Sweating?

There are no significant health risks to taking a shower when sweating.

Showering after sweating can help prevent skin irritation, body odour, and infections. Showering with warm water and a mild soap is recommended to dry off thoroughly to prevent skin irritation.

7. Wrap Up

Sweating is more than just a natural bodily function; it has several surprising benefits that can positively impact your health and well-being. It is a meaningful way to regulate your body temperature.

It also aids in detoxification, boosts immune system function, promotes healthier skin, and helps to manage stress levels, among other benefits.

Whether through physical activity, saunas, or simply being in a hot environment, sweating can work wonders for your body and mind. So the next time you break a sweat, remember that you are doing a lot of good for your body.

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This Wild Ride

Ammo the dachshund blogging outdoors

It’s been 7 whole years since I published my very first blog post on this blog. That’s over 1,600 stories and adventures that I’ve shared over the years. A lot has happened in those 7 years, I became a certified therapy dog, I celebrated countless Birthdays, I hunted many groundhogs, and I even welcomed my little sister into the world.

Meet my sister // ammo gets a sibling

What started as a Facebook page for me to share my happenings with everyone, turned into this blog as my fans wanted to hear even more about my life! From welcoming customers at the family frame shop, to performing with my famous trick pony friends, and my adventurous weekends with my mom and dad – you’ve pretty much seen it all.

Dachshund flys plane - and doesn't crash! // ammo the dachshund

While I absolutely love sharing my daily life with all of you, after 7 years of documenting my every move I’m starting to feel like I need a little vacation.

Thanksgiving roadtrip: folly beach dogs

So while I’m technically not going anywhere, I am planning to take a little step back from my blog so that I can soak up all the fun with my family without feeling like I need to snap photos every step of the way.

Ammo the dachshund takes selfie with street performer

Now this doesn’t mean you won’t see any blog posts from me in the future, it just means for now my regular posting schedule of Monday, Wednesday, Friday every week won’t be around. Instead I plan to share when I’ve got something that I just can’t wait to tell you about. You know, the juicy stuff.

Goats that race

And even though I won’t have a new blog post as often, you can still follow me on Facebook & Instagram where I still plan to share little snapshots into my life more regularly. If you’d like to be the first to know when I do have a special blog post to share, make sure you’ve signed up for my E-Mail updates. Which means you’ll get an e-mail every time I publish a new blog post.

Ammo the dachshund studio photos

Finally I wanted to say Thank You. Thank you to all of you who have kept up with my adventures, whether it be occasionally, or every single day. Know that it’s you that have kept me blogging these past 7 years. I’ve read every single comment you’ve left me, and every e-mail you’ve sent. I treasure all of them, even if I don’t always have the time to respond. Hopefully you can understand my need for a vacation from the blog after all these years.

Skyline drive dog 2575 2 | this wild ride | life is an unpredictable journey, often filled with twists and turns that can take us on a wild ride. Amidst the ups and downs, it is essential to prioritize our well-being and navigate this adventure with resilience and self-care. | wellcare world | wellness

Our journey never ends. My next adventure is just around the corner, and I can hear it calling. xoxo, Ammo the dachshund // blog signature // celebrity

The post This Wild Ride first appeared on Ammo the Dachshund.

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Exercise and Mental Health: A Guide

and physical activity has long been recognized as key contributors to physical , but their effects on are just as important. Exercise plays a role in managing stress and improving mood. Read on to learn how physical exercise can benefit your mental health and

How Exercise Affects the Brain: The Science Behind the Connection

Exercise is known to have a range of benefits, but did you know that it can also have significant effects on your mental health?

Studies have shown that regular exercise can reduce stress and , improve your mood, and even lead to improved cognitive functioning. So, how does exercise improve mental health?

The science behind the connection is complex and still being studied, but there are some key factors that help explain the effects.

The release of hormones such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine is key to understanding the relationship between exercise and mental health. Endorphins, often referred to as the “feel-good” hormone, are released during physical exercise and help to relieve stress, reduce pain, and give a sense of euphoria. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating many cognitive processes, including sleep and mood. Regular exercise can help increase the production of serotonin in the brain, leading to improved mood and better sleep quality. Lastly, dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with reward-seeking behavior; exercise has been shown to increase dopamine levels in the brain, giving us a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment.

These hormones play a critical role in how exercise helps mental health; by releasing endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine during exercise, we experience a range of positive mental health benefits that extend past the duration of the workout. Exercise can also increase oxygen flow to the brain, leading to improved concentration and cognitive functioning. Additionally, it helps to reduce stress hormones like cortisol which can lead to decreased stress levels and improved mental well-being.

The answer to “does exercise improve mental health?”, is a resounding yes. Not only can moderate exercise help to improve our mood and reduce stress levels, but it can also lead to increased cognitive functioning and improved overall mental health. Incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine is an easy way to promote your mental well-being.

Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health

Physical activity has long been suggested for physical health and . However, exercise is also important for an individual’s mental health. It can help to improve overall well-being and reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Exercise also has the potential to improve mood, self-esteem, sleep, and concentration. But how does exercise improve mental health? 

Physical activity helps to boost endorphins, the hormones that make us feel good. When it comes to mental health, exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Physical activity can reduce cortisol levels, which in turn helps to decrease stress. Exercise can also be a form of distraction from troubling thoughts or stressful situations, allowing us to refocus our energy on something positive. Additionally, exercise can be an outlet for frustration or anger that may otherwise manifest itself in negative ways. Incorporating physical activity into daily life is a great way to start building healthier habits that can benefit us long-term. 

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Types of Exercises for Mental Wellness

From running to weightlifting, stretching to yoga, there are a variety of activities that can help improve your mood and reduce stress levels.

  • Cardiovascular activities: cardiovascular exercises, such as running or biking, can help you burn off stress and anxiety, as well as boost endorphin levels. 
  • Strength training: Strength training, such as lifting weights, cluster sets, drop sets, or doing bodyweight exercises, can help increase serotonin levels and reduce symptoms of depression.
  • Yoga and meditation: Yoga is a great way to reduce stress levels and practice mindfulness, while stretching can help improve circulation and ease muscle tension. 

No matter what kind of exercise you choose, it’s important to find something that works for you. Regular exercise can help you manage stress levels and feel better mentally, so find an activity that you enjoy and make it part of your daily routine.

Incorporating Exercise into Daily Life

Physical activity and moderate exercise are important parts of a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce stress, increase endorphins, and promote relaxation. Exercise can also help combat symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve overall mood, and enhance cognitive functioning. 

When it comes to incorporating exercise into daily life, the most important thing to keep in mind is that any physical activity is better than nothing. This can be as simple as going for a short walk or jog, playing with your dog in the park, or taking a yoga class. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day, but even 10-15 minutes of exercise can have positive effects.

Exercise and Social Connection: How Physical Activity Fosters Positive Relationships

Exercise is not only beneficial for physical health, but it can also have a tremendous impact on mental health. As stated early, research has shown that regular physical activity has a positive effect on cognitive function, mood, and mental well-being…but it can also foster social connections and interactions.

Physical activity provides an opportunity for people to socialize with peers and form meaningful relationships. When we are socially connected to other people, our sense of self-worth increases, which can help alleviate depression and anxiety. Working out with a partner or community also gives us something to look forward to, fitness accountability, and the support and encouragement of friends or family can be very beneficial in keeping us motivated.

Being active with friends or family can also provide a distraction from worrying thoughts and bring us into the present moment. It helps us break out of negative thought patterns and encourages .

Furthermore, exercise encourages collaboration and competition, which can be beneficial for mental health. Working together with a team to reach a goal gives us a sense of purpose and accomplishment, while competing against others helps to develop a healthy sense of self-confidence.

In summary, moderate physical activity does more than just improve physical health; it is an effective way to create social connections and improve mental health. Exercise boosts self-confidence, releases endorphins, provides a distraction from negative thoughts, and encourages collaboration and competition. Regular physical activity can make a significant difference in how we feel, both mentally and physically.

Exercise with Chuze 

Making physical activity a priority will benefit not only your physical and mental health but also your overall well-being. Whether you’re just starting out as a way to improve mental wellness or looking to take your workout to the next level, Chuze fitness has something for everyone. We offer a variety of IChuze classes and activities designed to help you get the most out of your workout. Whether you’re looking to build strength and endurance, de-stress after a long day, or just have fun while getting fit, our fitness classes are designed to keep you motivated and give you the tools you need to reach your fitness goals. Find a gym near you and experience the benefits of exercise for yourself!

Ani2 | exercise and mental health: a guide | maintaining good mental health is essential for overall well-being, and exercise can play a significant role in promoting mental wellness. The connection between exercise and mental health has been widely recognized, with numerous studies highlighting the positive impact of physical activity on psychological well-being. | wellcare world | wellnessReviewed By:

Ani is the Vice President of Fitness at Chuze Fitness and oversees the group fitness and team training departments. She’s had a 25+ year career in club management, personal training, group exercise and instructor training. Ani lives with her husband and son in San Diego, CA and loves hot yoga, snowboarding and all things wellness.


  1. Health. “Exercise and Mental Health.”, 2017,
  2. Preiato, Daniel. “Exercise and the Brain: The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 31 Jan. 2022,
  3. Sharma, Ashish. “Exercise for Mental Health.” The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders, vol. 8, no. 2, Apr. 2006, 
  4. “Evidence Synthesized: Exercise Promotes Mental Health.” Today, 2023,,yielded%20greater%20improvements%20in%20symptoms.

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Therapy Dogs Contribute In Human Physical And Mental Health

Chewy fgxirxr2ozg unsplash | therapy dogs contribute in human physical and mental health | therapy dogs play a significant role in improving the physical and mental health of humans. | wellcare world | wellness

Photo: unsplash


The Healing Power of Therapy Dogs: Enhancing Physical and Mental

Therapy dogs can positively impact human physical and mental . Therapy dogs, also known as comfort dogs, provide emotional support to individuals who may benefit from their calming presence, such as patients in hospitals, individuals with conditions, and children with special needs.

Studies have shown that interaction with therapy dogs can lower stress and levels, reduce symptoms of , and improve physical symptoms such as lower blood pressure.

However, keep in mind that therapy dogs are not a substitute for professional medical treatment, and people should always consult with a healthcare provider for any medical concerns.

How Therapy Dogs are Helpful?

Reducing stress and anxiety: Interacting with therapy dogs has been shown to lower cortisol levels (a hormone associated with stress) and increase oxytocin levels (a hormone associated with feelings of happiness and calmness).

Improving mood:

Therapy dogs can provide comfort and emotional support, helping to reduce feelings of depression and loneliness.

Alleviating physical symptoms:

Studies have shown that interaction with therapy dogs can lower blood pressure, relieve pain, and improve cardiovascular health.

Enhancing social skills and communication:

Therapy dogs can provide a non-threatening and supportive environment for individuals with social anxiety or communication difficulties, helping to improve their social skills and confidence.

Encouraging :

 Therapy dogs can motivate individuals to engage in physical activity, such as taking walks or playing games.

It’s important to note that therapy dogs should be properly trained and certified, and their presence should be coordinated with healthcare providers to ensure the safety and well-being of both the patient and the therapy dog.

Study and Proof

An example of how therapy dogs contribute to human physical and mental health is in a hospital setting. A therapy dog might visit patients who are recovering from surgery or dealing with a chronic illness. The presence of the therapy dog can help reduce stress and anxiety levels in these patients, improve their mood, and provide comfort and emotional support. This, in turn, can lead to physical benefits such as lower blood pressure, reduced pain levels, and improved cardiovascular health.

For example, a study conducted at a children’s hospital found that when therapy dogs were brought in to visit children undergoing cancer treatment, the children reported lower levels of anxiety, less pain, and improved mood compared to when they did not interact with the therapy dogs.

These benefits demonstrate how therapy dogs can make a significant positive impact on physical and mental health, especially in challenging and stressful situations such as hospital stays.

How to get Therapy Dog?

Here are a few tips on selecting the therapy dog for you:

  • Determine if a therapy dog is right for you and your lifestyle.
  • Choose a breed that is well-suited for therapy work and has a temperament that fits your needs.
  • Obtain a dog that is healthy and has a calm demeanor.
  • Get the dog trained and certified as a therapy dog.
  • This usually involves completing a training program and passing a test.
  • Find therapy organizations in your area that use therapy dogs and express your interest in volunteering.

Will Therapy Dog be Worth It?

Whether or not getting a therapy dog is worth it depends on several factors, including your personal situation and the role you hope the dog will play in your life. Here are a few benefits of therapy dogs:

Emotional support:

Therapy dogs can provide emotional comfort and support to those who are struggling with mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD.


Spending time with a therapy dog has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce stress levels, and boost overall mood.

Improved social skills:

Therapy dogs can help children and adults with social anxiety develop more comfortable and confident social skills.

Increased activity level: Owning a therapy dog can encourage you to be more active and physically engaged, which can improve overall health.

Therapy Dogs are Not Guide Dogs

No, therapy dogs are not typically trained as guide dogs to assist individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Guide dogs are specifically trained to help people navigate their environment, including crossing streets, avoiding obstacles, and locating specific destinations.

Therapy dogs, on the other hand, are trained to provide comfort, emotional support, and companionship to individuals in various settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and disaster relief sites. While therapy dogs may be used to assist individuals with mobility or physical disabilities, their primary role is not to guide or lead individuals, but to provide emotional support and comfort.

Stay Connected with Doglime to Understand More About Dogs.

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Tackling the Youth Mental Health Crisis Head-On

Brain 1 | tackling the youth mental health crisis head-on | tackling the youth mental health crisis head-on is crucial for promoting overall wellness and well-being among young people. By addressing mental health issues early and providing appropriate support and resources, we can help prevent long-term consequences and empower youth to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. | wellcare world | wellness

The Youth : Alarming Statistics and Service Challenges

The sobering statistics on a growing youth crisis have become frequent headlines. In February, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that as of 2021, more than one-third of high school students, including nearly three in five teen girls, had persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness. In a survey conducted in 2022 by the Institute of Education Sciences, leaders from more than two-thirds of public schools reported an increase in the number of students seeking mental services since the pandemic, and nearly half of them said they could not effectively provide mental health services to all students in need.

Mental health is a vital public health issue. These statistics  and the children and teens behind them provide a clear call to action to prioritize prevention. Rather than intervening only when a student is suffering, we must take a preventative approach to mental health.

Think about it like this: We don’t put a new driver behind the wheel of a car and assume that seatbelts and airbags will keep them safe. While both can offer protection, we prepare new drivers by teaching them the rules of the road and equipping them with the skills they need to drive safely. Similarly, we must prepare children for managing distress and provide them with the coping skills to respond when adversities appear.

Most mental health challenges do not arise because of an underlying sudden biological change; rather, there are risks and protective factors that promote or hinder development and impact the risk of developing mental health conditions. And every young person deserves access to preventative tools that can help them recognize and manage mental health risks, and cope with common obstacles they face in life.

Because schools are where young people spend the bulk of their days, they are important places to develop these types of skills. Teachers do not need to become therapists, but they do need to be prepared to teach and model skills and strategies that help learners navigate academic, social and emotional challenges inherent to school. To do that effectively, they need access to evidence-based programs that support social and emotional development, professional learning opportunities related to student mental health and school leaders who prioritize the of young people.

Promoting Mental Health and Well-being in Schools: Strategies and Benefits

The good news is that there is a wealth of evidence around practices and curriculum that can help young people learn coping skills and other preventative strategies, and many of the options are cost-effective and can be implemented in schools. Mental health literacy, for example, a framework that conceptualizes recognition, knowledge and attitudes around mental health, can help school staff and students obtain and maintain positive mental health, understand and identify mental illnesses and seek help if needed. Studies have shown that mental health literacy programs can improve recognition, management and prevention of mental health challenges and can decrease stigma about mental illness and treatment in school communities.

Similarly, incorporating social and emotional learning (SEL) in schools can help young people create multiple protective factors that can act as a shield against mental health challenges, including building positive relationships, regulating emotions and solving problems. Hundreds of independent studies have found that students who participate in evidence-based SEL programs in school experience less emotional distress and behavior problems. Research also indicates that SEL helps young people better manage short-term symptoms related to and , and some studies have shown that SEL creates a healthy school climate that improves students’ sense of emotional safety and belonging. That’s critical for young people right now.

Well-being and academic achievement are closely intertwined. Students have a hard time learning if they are struggling to focus, cope or connect with their peers and teachers. It’s also clear that teachers who take time to build relationships with students are more likely to spot early signs of concern and engage students in productive learning — and, if necessary, refer them to the appropriate mental health services.

That doesn’t mean we should conflate promoting mental with treating mental illness. The intention of teaching SEL and mental health literacy in schools is not to treat or diagnose mental health conditions. Prioritizing these areas of learning does not replace the role of mental health providers or detract from the importance of therapeutic responses for children who need them.

An effective public health approach to the crisis requires equipping schools communities with prevention and intervention strategies so that all students are supported and protected.

This is a pivotal moment for young people — and there’s no quick-fix, one-stop solution for the crisis. But it’s clear that we need to rethink how we approach the layered challenges facing our youth and prioritize the well-being of every one of our nation’s children.

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